Chapter 2

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You arrived in the BAU. Hotchner told you to follow him in his office. He opened the door for you. You enter the office, still holding your bag. You seated on the chair infront of his desk while he seated on his chair. He just looked at you. His eyes curious, he put his hand on his face, index finger stretched to his temple while the rest of the fingers closed on his cheeks.

"I am sorry, I know I should have followed orders and..." Hotchner stopped you from talking.
"I wanted to know why being a sniper was not part of your resume. What is real and what is not in the information that you provided us." His eyes furrowed
"I cannot disclosed any of it because I did not even write what's inside that folder." You told him
"Then what can you tell me?" He asked.
"Since you already know, I am a trained sniper. I go to that building to do have a full view of the suspect and his targets. I was not supposed to shoot, but I saw that our men started to go down so I made the decision by myself and shoot. I take full responsibility." You put your badge and ID on his desk and stand up.
"Where are you going?" Hotchner asked. You were puzzled by his question. Isn't it that he is the one who is eager to get rid of you?
"I am not dismissing you yet. So you can take this for now. You did a great job on this case and I think we can use your skills on our advantage. But I cannot unforeseen what happened today. You will not act on your own. If you have an idea like surveillance or snipping you have to ask for my permission. You will be on desk duty and will be under my supervision during the case. That is until I know that you learned your lesson. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir." You answered. Sheepishly.
"Good and you can call me Hotch. You can go home now and rest. There are some paper works that I want you to finish as soon as possible." He gave out a small side smile.
"Thank you, Hotch." You answered, standing up. You stretched out your hand and he shakes it. You can feel a low electricity but you think it was just your imagination. You went out of his office and saw everyone looking at you. You go down and talked to everyone. Telling them the same thing you told to Hotch. Reid made a comment about snippers and the distance that they can shoot and you mentioned that you were able to shot a target that far before. They were curious about your job before but you cannot disclosed much of the details.

They move on to the next topic like what they will do during the weekends. Morgan will be renovating a new home. Reid will be seeing some play that was almost 5 hour long. He is asking everyone to come with him but everyone is turning him down. He also asked you but you also made an excuse. You are not much into theater play anyway.

During the weekend you just do the same routine. You go for a jog in the morning. Have a breakfast at home if there are leftovers, if not you grab a coffee at on the way home. Then you will clean the house, read a book or ran some errands. It is rare to have you meet up anyone during this time.

During this weekend there were no urgent case which is so rare that everyone cannot believe it when you all arrived on Monday. Everyone was happy because a whole uninterrupted weekend. When Hotch arrived he was smiling ear to ear. The dark circle under his eyes minimize as well. You can see that he was well rested. He called you to come to his office so you followed behind him.

"Please sit down. I need your help to run through some case files. You have to find out which case needs our urgent attention." He ordered you and you see a high stock of pile beside his desk.
"Sure." You answered. While getting some files you thought of having some small talk. So you asked him about his weekend.
"Such a nice weekend huh. I heard that it was a rare thing in BAU." You asked studying him.
"Yes it is, a one whole day is a miracle enough but a whole two days? I could not believe it either." Hotch said while getting a pile on his own.
"So how do you spend your weekend." You asked.
"I spend it with my son, Jack. We went to his soccer practice, then go to the zoo then the amusement park. The little guy had a blast." He said while opening one of the case file.
"It sounds nice." You said. You headed to the couch with your pile and settle it to the table.
"How about you." he said peaking through the case file he was reading. "How do you spent your weekend."
You were startled with the question, you did not expect that he will have interest with what you do.
"Ahhmmm, Just the usual. Jogging in the morning, cleaning the house, doing the laundry running some errands and then I capped it with a wine and good book."
"Thats it? You should have just come to Reid's play." He said smiling.
"Hmmm, If I want to sleep I'll do it at the comfort of my own couch and not on those steep theater chair." You smiled. And another rare thing happened, Aaron Hotchner actually laughed on that. You gave a small laugh as well. And then opened one of your case file. From there you both worked silently. As time past you feel a sudden ache at your back. It is because of slouching. The desk on the couch is too low. So you sit on the floor to level with the table. Hotch saw this.

"You can work in your desk if this is uncomfortable to you." He said.
"Oh no, I am fine. And it is faster to consult you if I am here." You answered him
"Alright" He said going back to examining some more files. You work like this for almost an hour when he suddenly called you to look at the case he was examining. when you were about to stand up, you legs got cramps.
"Aaahhh!" You said while you were in pain, holding your cramped up leg. Aaron got worried and suddenly stand up to help you.
"Are you ok? What happend?" He asked while approaching you. He hold both of your elbow to help you seat on the couch. Then he asked you to raise your legs and started to massage it. While doing this the door suddenly opened and Garcia saw that Aaron was massaging your calf. She let out a shriek and all of you got surprised.
"I am sorry, Sir. I did not know. I will comeback later." She said, confused of what was happening.
"Garcia!" Hotch said to stop Penelope. You put down your feet at the same time
"What is it?" Hotch asked authoritatively.
"Las Vegas PD called and they have a case for us." She said sheepishly.
"Alright, lets meet on the conference room." He said. When Garcia, was about to go, Hotch called him again. Garcia froze at the door again.
"[Y/N] had cramps sitting here on the floor thats why I helped her to stand up and put pressure on his cramps." He explained slowly to her. He paused for a few second and continue. "I hope it does not caused any rumor between us. Is that understood?" He said with authority again.
"Yes, Sir." she answered, a little bit scared.
"Let's go" Hotch said, standing up. The 3 of them headed to the conference room. Hotch called everyone to come too.

When everyone arrived at the conference room, Morgan noticed that Garcia was a little bit frantic.
"Baby girl, what happened?" He asked worried.
"Me, I am ok, I dont know anything. I did not see anything. Lets just look at the case file." She said rapidly that you cannot understand some of the words.
Pictures of 3 girls flash in the screen, they seems to be in your age bracket as you. The crime scene was shown and the 3 girls were all wearing red dress and red stiletto. All of them was badly beaten with ligature mark on the hands.

"It seems that they were all tied up with there hands raised like this. " You put your hands together and look at everyone. They were all looking at you.
"What?" You asked.
"Newbie, the victims look like you." Morgan said.
"He is right, the age, hair color and some physical features matches you. Garcia, what is the height of the victims?" Reid said. Garcia mentioned a range and you are in between the range.
"Thats a stretch. I dont think that I am..."
"Rossi, what do you think?" Hotch asked Agent Rossi. You looked at Rossi and he seems contemplating as well. They were hesitant to have you join this case since you can be a possible victim.
"Its like putting a steak at the middle of a lion's cage." Rossi remarked.
"Come on, Hotch. I am an agent, I can protect myself and beside I am on desk duty so I will always be strapped on your side. We are also using buddy system so we can protect each other." You said. Pleading. "And beside, I am a sniper, I dont have to be on the actual crime scene. I can be as faraway as you want. I do not even own a red dress or an stiletto" You were looking at everyone still pleading. Everyone was smiling.
"Fine." Hotch said smiling. Teasing you "You always needs to be accompanied by other agent whenever you have to go out of the station. Wheels up in 30."

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