.Chapter 12.

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"Y/n L/n was hit by a semi-truck outside of their home on the 17th of October 2023. They didn't see the vehicle coming due to the pouring rain that occurred that night, much like the rain that pours today. The last thing they would have seen was the blinding of its head lights."
The eulogist's voice boomed through the lonely graveyard as Y/n's friends and relatives crowded around their tomb.

"They were the oldest of 3, adored by both their siblings and parents. A writer at heart who unfortunately will never finish their first book. We must not look back on their life in sadness. Be glad it happened, not sad it is over."

Charlie stood behind most of the crowd in his black tux, seemingly being the only one without an umbrella.

The funeral concluded after Y/n's mother, sister and Mira gave their speeches as per Y/n's request. Everyone left the graveyard after saying their goodbyes but one person stuck around...


He walked toward the tomb and sat in front of it, mud staining his formal pants.

It never got easier for him. Though he always knew they had to die in the end. They weren't real after all. Doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt.

"I'm sorry Y/n. You didn't deserve this, not again. I'll see you soon... in another life."

With that last message, he hung Y/n's signature necklace around the side of the tomb. Upon placing it, he realised that there were only 4 picks.

He felt after what they had gone through, they deserved more. He added 4 more of his own personal picks, bringing the total up too 8.

He had no reason to stay in this reality now that Y/n was no longer here

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He had no reason to stay in this reality now that Y/n was no longer here. He watched as his skin became once more transparent and then his vision grew a hazy wife and he blacked out as usual.

He was getting used to the routine of all this. It felt almost repetitive to him.

He opened his eyes in the same glass hallway that he was oh so used to. Of course, knowing where he was going he walked along the white carpeted floor and toward the Giant oak door.

As he walked through the door, not bothering to waste his magic on opening it, he sat down at his throne and slouched.

"How was #400? Was it everything you dreamed off?"
His friend grizzly asked in a high pitched sarcastic tone without even looking up from his book.

"I swear these trips your taking are getting shorter Charlie."
Bizly added.

"Shut up bizly"
The gods said in unison.

"Anything exciting happen?"
Condi peaked his head around the beacon to ask.

"Nothing much just Y/n getting hit by a FUCKING TRUCK?!?"

Charlie was clearly agitated and didn't want to speak about Y/n anymore.

"Well... I have the next few scenarios queued up when your ready Charlie?"
Grizzly asked, finally closing the large and ancient looking book on his lap.

"Ready when you are."

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Words: 515

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