.Chapter 5.

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It had been a few days since I saw "the chucklers" in concert. Due to a few weather disasters 2 of their shows had been canceled.

Lucky for Me, I got a full refund and their next show was tomorrow anyways. To pass the time, Ive been focusing on My writing career.

And of course, ever good author writes on their laptop in random coffee shops so I did too.

I have this specific coffee shop in the middle of the town square that I've always gone too. Ever since I was younger, I had adored the vibe of the café.

After a nice and long 3 hour sleep, I got myself out of bed and got ready for the day.

Was I underdressed? Yes.
Was it the met gala? No.

It wasn't some fancy event, I just had to get some chapters finished.
(They sort of have an Adam Sandler type outfit on)
(I love Adam Sandler)

Baggy jeans and jumper it was. And of course my treasured necklace.

The drive to the town square was only about 5 minutes since I had a flat nearby anyways so it wasn't really inconvenient to go there.

After arriving at said coffee shop, i popped myself down at a table near the window and started to write.

I wasn't even 200 words into the first chapter when something caught my attention. A laugh to be more specific. An oh so familiar laugh.

I wiped my head around fast enough to give myself whip lash and spotted a group of 3 men in a booth right next to me.

The booth didn't just house a random group of people, no. It was THE chucklers!!

It just had to be the one day I was underdressed, didn't it?

I was so flabbergasted that I audibly gasped, quite loudly. In fact, so loudly that it made Ted glance over at Me.

I looked away quickly but ted wasn't dumb, he knew I had been starring.


My friend Ted sort of leaned over the table toward me and whisper.
"Hey Charlie, isn't that the person who caught your guitar pick?"

"AND turned it into a necklace?"
Shlatt added to the conversation, now invested.

I sort of glanced over at the table they were making a ruckus about and holy shit, they were right.

The person sitting down beside us was looking away from our table awkwardly while fiddling with the necklace they had on.

Me, being me. Got up from where I was sitting, walked over to their table, sat down across from them and said...


"I like your necklace."

Y/n finally looked over toward him, realising he had sat down and began to internally Panik.
(At the disco)

"T-thank you! Couldn't have made it with out you!"
They let out a nervous laugh as Charlie starred intently.

Charlie held out his hand toward them with a sincere smile.

"Bonky..? Was it?"
He asked in a rather confused tone.

"We'll sort of, my real name is Y/n! Always nice to meet a fan."

They joked as they took Charlie's hand in their own and shook it with a sweet grin plastered on their face.

Charlie laughed as he got up and walked toward the exit with the rest of the band.

"See you around Y/n!"

Y/n giggled to themself and blushed, they had just talked one on one, face to face with their celebrity crush.
As Y/n was collecting their stuff to go home, they saw another guitar pick sitting on the chair where Charlie had sat.

"Is this intentional now?"

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Sorry I didn't post for like a week, got busy!

Now I'm on spring break for 2 weeks, I'll be writing more!

Hope you enjoyed!!

Words: 640

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