.Chapter 8.

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Ignore spelling mistakes my acrylics are making it hard to type LMAO

Charlie POV:

Today was the day of our biggest show during the tour. We sold over 1000 tickets and sold out a gigantic venue.

We were on in 15 minutes and we could hear the screaming fans getting riled up for the show.

Shlatt, Ted and I had been internally panicking for the last half an hour.

The other two had the pre-show Gitters but I have something different. I had another reason for the sweat running down my face.

If my sound manager hadn't called my name I would have decided against my plan.

No time to worry about that now, we had to be on stage.


Mira and I cheered loudly along with the crowd as the band walked on the stage.

Charlie waved at the crowd until he saw me and waved violently like a little kid would.

I waved back with the same energy and he gave a small laugh.

A few minutes later, they started the show. First playing fist flight, then jinx, then milk man. They played a bunch of other songs like one dial away before the show was over.

The crowd sang along extremely loudly to the words. I looked around and realised just how many people were there.


Like always, Charlie did his whole "thanks for coming" and "hope you enjoyed the show". These were usually the crowds que to leave but Charlie said something that stopped the bustling group.

"One last thing before everyone leaves." He said into the microphone.

The audience turned and looked at him intently.

"As a lot of you know, we sold over 1000 tickets for this specific show. Out of all those 1000, there is only 1 person I was hoping for. Y/n, can you come up on stage?"

Y/n froze at his words, starring back at him. They were Brough back into reality when Mira shook them.

They stumbled out of their seat and through the aisle toward the stage. Trying not to embarrass themself, they walked up the stairs cautiously with fear they would trip.

"If you guys have been following Y/n's Twitter, you will know they have been collecting my guitar picks. Y/n how many do you have now?"

"Three" Y/n croaked into the microphone while holding up the necklace around their neck.

"Would you like another?"
Charlie held a small green guitar pick between his fingers.

Y/n nodded and took it from him, clamping it onto their necklace.

"Thank you loverboy" They quickly kissed his cheek before hurrying off the stage and into the crowd.

Charlie stood in front of the microphone, mouth a-gap as the crowd cheered for them, some booing can also be heard from the die-hard fans.

Everyone was starring at Y/n and Mira and they decided it would be best to leave.

As Y/n grabbed Mira's wrist and started to hurry away, Mira did heart hands at ted and Shlatt who both started laughing.

Rushing out of the venue, Charlie gave one last wave toward Y/n.

Rushing out of the venue, Charlie gave one last wave toward Y/n

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Hey binkers!!

Hope you enjoyed!! This was a chapter I've wanted to write for a long long time!

I've been trying to write this for like 3 day lmao

Love you all!'

Words: 563

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