eighteen •

Depuis le début

One evening, after a particularly long and demanding shift, I found myself in the quiet confines of the station's break room. I was sipping a cup of coffee, the bitter warmth grounding me after a day filled with adrenaline and tension. Tim entered the room, his exhaustion evident in the lines etched on his face.

"Rough day," he remarked, pouring himself a cup of coffee and joining me at the table.

I nodded, a weary smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "They all seem to be these days."

He studied me for a moment, his gaze searching mine. "How are you holding up, Hale?" he asked softly.

I sighed, setting down my coffee cup. "I'm managing. Work helps. Keeps my mind occupied."

Tim nodded in understanding. "I get that. It's a way to escape, even if just for a little while."

Silence settled between us, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. Tim seemed to sense my turmoil, his expression gentle as he reached out, his fingers grazing mine on the table.

"Maddy," he began, his voice quiet yet firm, "I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what. I care about you deeply, and I won't let anything change that."

His words resonated in my heart, the sincerity behind them warming the cold corners of my fears. I met his gaze, my eyes reflecting the vulnerability I felt. "I appreciate that, Tim. I do. I'm just... scared."

He nodded, his thumb brushing lightly over the back of my hand. "I understand. Fear is a natural part of life. But don't let it dictate your choices. Take things one step at a time. And remember, I'm not going anywhere."

His reassurance wrapped around me like a protective shield, and for the first time in days, I felt a glimmer of hope flicker within me. Perhaps, with time, I could confront my fears and allow myself to embrace the depth of my feelings for Tim.

Later on, the dim glow of the streetlights cast eerie shadows on the storefront as Officer Nolan and I cautiously approached, our hands resting on the grips of our holstered weapons. We had received an urgent call about a store robbery in progress, and our training kicked in, adrenaline surging through my veins.

Nolan and I exchanged a quick glance, our silent communication speaking volumes. We knew the risks, but duty compelled us forward. As we neared the entrance, the door swung open, revealing two masked figures wielding firearms.

"Drop your weapons and get down!" I shouted, my voice steady despite the rapid beating of my heart. The robbers hesitated for a moment before one of them opened fire.

Time seemed to slow as I instinctively moved, attempting to evade the gunfire. The sharp crack of the gun echoed in my ears as a searing pain shot through my arm. I stumbled, feeling a burning sensation along my skin. Adrenaline numbed the pain, but I knew I had been hit.

"Nolan, I'm hit," I managed to say, my voice remarkably calm considering the circumstances. Nolan's eyes widened in alarm, his training taking over as he returned fire, forcing the robbers to take cover.

I quickly sought refuge behind a nearby car, clutching my wounded arm. Blood seeped through my fingers, the warmth a stark reminder of the danger we were facing. Nolan, determined and focused, kept the robbers pinned down with precise shots, giving me a chance to catch my breath.

With my uninjured arm, I radioed for backup and relayed our location and the number of assailants. Dispatch confirmed that help was on the way, but every second felt like an eternity. Nolan had also already radioed Officer down.

"Don't move, Hale" Nolan said, his voice urgent as he crouched beside me. He tore a piece of cloth from his shirt, quickly fashioning a makeshift bandage for my arm.

I winced as he applied pressure, the pain now registering fully. "Thanks, Nolan," I managed, appreciating his quick thinking.

The robbers, realizing they were outnumbered, made a desperate attempt to flee. Nolan and I exchanged determined glances, silently agreeing to pursue them once backup arrived.

As the sound of sirens grew nearer, the robbers were apprehended, their weapons confiscated. Relief washed over me as fellow officers arrived on the scene, securing the area and tending to the wounded.

In the midst of the chaos, I felt a mixture of gratitude and determination. Gratitude for Nolan's quick response and unwavering support, and determination to apprehend those responsible for the violence. The incident had left me shaken but resolute, a reminder of the risks we faced daily in our line of duty.

As paramedics arrived to assess my injury, I knew I had been fortunate. The bullet had only grazed my arm, leaving me with a painful reminder of the night's events. I would heal, both physically and mentally.

Illusive | Tim BradfordOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant