"You're still going?" I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral.

She nodded, her expression somewhat guarded.

"Yeah, I went to the pre-wedding party it might be weird not to go to the wedding itself."

I could see the conflict in her eyes, the weight of the past hanging over her.

"Okay," I assured her, wrapping my arm around her. "If it's important to you, then you should go."

Leah leaned into my embrace, seeking comfort in the warmth of our shared space.

"Thank you," she murmured softly, her voice barely audible in the quiet of the night.

I tightened my hold on her, trying to convey my support without words.

Despite the complicated emotions that undoubtedly resurfaced, I wanted her to know that I was there for her, no matter what.

I have a lot on my mind. Yes, I might not act like it but I'm pretty stressed.

On Sunday is the family meeting. I generally hate them every single year.

It's clear to see everyone at the table hates each other to bits.

We had strict family laws though, put down to ensure we wouldn't annihilate each other in seconds.

I really don't know what we have the meeting for.

To remember we have a family?

I don't know. But it's very easy to forget I have family out of my house.

It's very easy and I'm sure it's the same for the whole family too.

And it's not genuinely a 'family meeting' it's typically a meeting with everyone in the family above the age of 16.

It's usually business-related. This is why I say again, it's easy to forget I have a family by the way we act around each other.

Which is why I again face the fear of what will happen when I bring up Leah.

We don't consider each other much of 'a family' so I'm sure they won't act like one.

This is why I'm sure Leah will have a better time telling her family about us than me.

I had to be ready for a very intense fight.

I've said it before.

I am the King to the world, a multi-billionaire who 9wns thousands and thousands of hotels, companies, properties, etc.

But once I sit at the table with all the Romanos present-I know well, that I am no one but one more individual with little more power in hand than other.

Those who held power in the family were the elders. The eldest of us all.

It's kind of like court and they're the judges.

You present your case, and everyone discuss it and express their issues with the your proposal.

(this is the time most of the shouting takes place)

Then after hearing everyone's point of view, they approve it or disapprove it.

There is a -100% they'll agree. There was a very clear rule on that.

It's not even complicated.

It clearly states, 'No one as an individual of the Romano family is permitted to wed or involve oneself with populace outside of Mafia or business relation circles.'

Simple, you see.

I knew well that Leah was not part of Mafia of any sort. That was enough for them not to like her already.

And even if I win my case, then they'll require Leah to go through extensive testing.

And by extensive, I meant it. They'd want her to be absolutely ideal for what they want to see.

I gently brushed Leah's hair away from her face, watching her soft features in the dim light of the room.

Her peaceful expression eased some of the tension coiling within me, offering a moment of peace from my thoughts.

I found solace in the tranquil rhythm of her breath, each rise and fall lulling me into a sense of calm.

The rules of our family were archaic, restricting and suffocating in their enforcement.

My family is a world where loyalty and tradition reigned supreme, and any deviation from it is met with severe consequences.

Leah's presence in my life was a disruption to the carefully crafted balance, a jolt of warmth and light that challenged the cold, calculated persona I was accustomed to displaying 24/7.

As I gazed down at her, the weight of my responsibilities settled heavily on my shoulders, a reminder of the dangerous line I walked between duty and desire.

I had vowed to protect her from everything that threats to harm her...I just hope I can do that.

With a sigh, I tucked her in closer, keeping her in a protective embrace, determined to be her anchor in the rough sea I had put her in.

For now, being close to her is all that mattered. I would fight to uphold this, no matter the cost.

Things were calm now, but once my family knows...

I'm unleashing Hell!


Guys, writing this is making my standards soo high rn.

I need a Luca!😭😭, who else wants a Luca in your life?👉

Hope y'all guys enjoyed this✨

Love you all❤️


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