"Oh, we decided it was best to keep it private," I explained.

"Well, who is it?" Lucille probed.

"You'll see," I replied with a smile.

"It's okay, Sinclair. No need to lie," Lorenzo commented, not bothering to turn his head to look at me.

"Excuse me?" I retorted, giving him a sharp look.

"You were so offended that I didn't want you that now you have to invent a fake boyfriend," Berkshire remarked before being interrupted by a group of Ravenclaw girls.

"Be careful, Lorenzo," one of them started, a sly smirk on their face. "Mattheo doesn't like to share."

I cringe at the girl's comment. Could rumors spread this quickly?

"What do you mean?" Lorenzo demanded, his fists clenching as he shifted his gaze toward the Ravenclaw girl.

She didn't respond, simply laughing softly as she walked away.

"What does she mean, Cleo?" Lucille inquired, her curiosity evident.

I shrugged, wearing a broad smile.

Lorenzo kicked my leg softly beneath the table, his silent demand for answers clear.

Choosing to ignore Berkshire, I turned my head toward the professor and focused on the work at hand. Even as I felt his cold gaze burn into my skin, I gave him no attention.

As the class came to an end, I swiftly packed my belongings into my bag and made a hasty exit. Footsteps echoed behind me, and I recognized them all too well. Despite this, I refused to turn and instead kept my focus on ignoring Berkshire.

The school's corridors were deserted, yet those persistent footsteps continued to trail behind me. With a sudden turn, I faced him, frustration in my voice, "What do you want?"

Ignoring my question, Lorenzo fired back with one of his own, "Who?"

Puzzled, I responded, "Who? Who what?"

Frustration was evident in Lorenzo's gritted teeth as he replied, "Who are you seeing?"

"None of your concern ," I retorted, turning to continue my path.

In an instant, a strong force pulled me back, pinning me against the wall. Lorenzo's hand was behind my head, ensuring my safety.

With intense gaze, Lorenzo began, "When I ask you a question, you answer."

I challenged, "When Theodore asks you to do something, you obey without question. Do you honestly have no thoughts of your own?"

Berkshire's clenched fist met the wall next to me, a stark contrast to his inability to defend himself when facing Malfoy.

"Are you still on about that stupid bet? Get over it." He scoffs, I remain silent.

"Answer the question, Sinclair," he demanded.

I could tell him the answer he desired, there was nothing stopping me, but why would I do that?

𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘙𝘎𝘐𝘙𝘓, 𝙇𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙉𝙕𝙊 𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙆𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙍𝙀Where stories live. Discover now