Broken Mirror ❉

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I was staring at my breakfast. It's been one day and she hasn't left my mind. I never saw her like that. "Appa". I looked at Kai who had already finished his breakfast. "Yes, love". I replied. "My school starts today. I'm excited". He said.

"Oh really? Then let me drop you. Okay". I said, smiling at him. "Appa, why did Rosie leave yesterday?". He questioned. "Umm, she had important work to do. You know like me". I said.

He stayed silent. "Are you ready?". I said. "Yes".

I dropped him off at school and came back to my company. "Sir, there's someone who wants to meet you". "Who?".

Why is Theo sitting across from me?
Now what did he want from me?

"Y/n, want to add a new character in your game as our character". He said. "Y/n?".

He nodded. "Death was made by her, the whole game was made by her. She wants to introduce a new character, and she wants to do it while collaborating with you".

"Okay". Did she make them?

"Do you have to come here for this?". I questioned. "I was passing by". He said standing up.

This man is so weird that he creeped me out.

He left without glancing at me.
What the fuck is his problem?

I was sitting in my car, eyes closed, head lean back. My mind is a mess right now. "Why did he get released early?". I mumbled. My eyes went to a small figure coming out of his school. He was still inside the school's main gate.

I left my car and went in front of the school gate. I looked at the kids, trying to find him. "Rosie". I heard someone screaming. I looked at it. It's Kai, coming running at me.

"Kai". He came and hugged me tightly. Behind him, it's her nanny, with his backpack. "How did you know his school?". I ignored her and smiled at him.

"How's your day, peanut?". I questioned. "It was awesome". He said. "Well, I'm glad you had fun". I said, ruffling his hair. "Kai, let's go home". Diana said. "No, I'm not going. I want to go with Rosie". He said, hugging me tightly.

Diana's hand went to Kai's arm to hold it but my hand stopped his hand. "Let me take him home". I said. "No, jungkook would never-". "I'm going to handle him". I said cutting him off.

Kai looked at me and then at Diana. "It's okay. You want to go home with me?". I questioned. He nodded making eye contact with me. "Kai-". "It's okay. Get home. I'm coming". I said to Diana.

"I can't -". "Then come with me". I said to Diana. She nodded. I took Kai to my car. "Woah, is this your car?". He said, shocked. "Yes, do you like it?".

"Yes, it's so cool". Kai said, looking at the car. "Do you want to touch it?". I questioned. "Can I?". "Of course, it's all yours anyway". Last words were only mumbled.

We sat in our car. "Rosie, which car is this?". Kai questioned, sitting behind. "Koenigsegg gamers," I replied. "Woah. It's so beautiful from inside". He said. I chuckled.

"Put your seatbelt on". I said before starting it and leaving from there. We reached his home. I parked my car and got out. "Rosie, i love your car". "Do you?". He nodded. "Thank you".

"Kai, I'm going to meet you at night, okay?". I said, sitting down. "I have some work right now". "Did you come to pick me?". I nodded. "Thank you".

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