Chapter 44: Arc Magic Bound

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Moravale Province / Midday / Few Hours Later.

We are still flying around and one of the cities we were told that is under attack is a large one at least holding 4,000 Humans there. In the distance we are seeing Dixarre City burning completely.

King Verax: I see it!! Everyone get ready!!

People are screaming and High Elves with their Shadow Drakes are killing people without paused until they heard our roars and everyone went silent. "Did you heard that??" A High Elve said and the other responded "That sound dragons coming" All the sudden Krex with Sarah on his back landed on top of a building.

Sarah: Crimson Dominion!! Today we are your death!! BURN THEM ALL!!!!

Krex proceed to breath attack the streets where theres lots of High Elves and Drakes around and they are all burning and taking cover, Syleth proceed to land on a plaza that is very open and she engaged with several Shadow Drakes and grabs one and pin it down and tail slapped one that flew towards a house and it collapsed on top of him and proceed to breath attack incoming Elves.

Shadow Drake: (In Pain) AAAHKK!! YOU STUPID DRAGON!!!

Syleth: Look whos mad huh? How about if I do this? (She use her hand and snapped his neck and killed it) Whos next!? You Elves!!

High Elve 1: Crimson Dominion Shall rule Dracoria!!! (Several elves charged at her)

Syleth: (Raised a hand and many elves are getting levitated in mid air) How about if I show you my own magic superiority? (Pushed her hand on the ground and all the elves got launch towards the ground and got killed) Yeah take that....

The others are engaged on different sections in the city trying to save as many people. Krex continues burning and eating Elves and Sarah is engaging several Shadow Drakes and she has her own fire sword and proceed to engage them and killed at least 3 of them. Silah was flying around and started breath attacking many Elves on a street.

Silah: (Breath attacked several Elves) (Growling aloud and Breath attacked more Elves) Stinky Elves!!!

Alvir: Keep going mother!!!

Silah: (Breath attacked more Elves) How many are they!?!

Varath: (Coming beside her) I too getting tired of the amount of Elves that are invading this city!!

Silah: There is just so many of them!!!

Drexath: (Coming beside her too) We must continue to push on!! Ill help Syleth, she is by herself fighting there!

Varath: Go ahead Brother! (Drexath banked away to help Syleth) Mirnevir is enjoying burning them too!!

Silah: (Seeing Mirnevir fighting side by side with some humans against the Elves) They got themselves an ally!

Varath: Lets continue to get rid of these Crimson Scum! Follow me!

They went to a different section of the city. I was currently in the air still flying overhead and proceed to spit a electric ball and it split in five electric balls and locks on several Drakes and they all got killed.

Ashley: I want to learn that ability!!!

King Verax: That would be a future lesson my dear!

Ashley: (Looking down in a field outside of the city) I see lots of High Elves engaging with human soldiers! Probably the city's own military!

King Verax: Lets help them out! (He dives and roared aloud and proceed to land hard that made a shockwave from the force of impact and looks at the Elves and all the humans soldiers went beside me as they took my side of the fight) (Snarling) Your human hunt is over Elves! Now is time for us to hunt your kind!!

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