"Honestly, I think the only ones with actual brains here are me, you, maybe ten percent of the students here, then some teachers." He chuckled.

"That's incredibly sad. We're gonna lose brain cells instead of gaining some by the end of this year." I snickered.

"Y'all talk a lot of shit." Someone hissed from behind us.

"Excuse me?" I questioned, turning around.

"You heard me, y'all talking about how everyone's stupid here and shit, like just because you're smart doesn't make us stupid." He pleaded.

"You're twisting my words. My intelligence doesn't make you stupid. Nor did I say it did. I wasn't specifically talking to you, anyway. I never said everyone was stupid, either. I was speaking about my experience here so far, and so was he. Not that many students here are focused on education. They're focused on romantic relationships, social media, and other nonsense that makes them look stupid." I explained.

"Wow, so you don't use social media or have a relationship?" He queried, pointing in between both of us.

Did we look like a couple?! Does Nicky think it's weird that the guy assumed we're a couple?! Oh, let me respond. I thought.

"Again, twisting my words. I use social media, but I'm not obsessed with it. As for romantic relationships, I'm not focused on that either." I responded.

"Why judge other people, anyway? It's not affecting you." He hissed.

"Actually, it is. People are screaming and disrupting class all the time and it's annoying, especially when the brain is working to collect information. Sudden disruptions aren't good during the learning process and can confuse the brain." I explained.

"So then why the fuck are you complaining to me about this?" He scoffed.

"... You're the one who started this whole thing, are you--" I started.

"Haileigh... let's just go," Nicky croaked.

I looked at him and assumed he was about to have an anxiety attack. We headed to the literacy building, and I sat Nicky down on a bench.

"I'm sorry." I sighed.

"I'm okay." He panted.

"No, you're not. You're having a whole anxiety attack because I provoked that guy instead of just ignoring him." I groaned.

He hugged his knees as his breathing began staggering a bit. I felt terrible for causing this. Just after I attacked my family for causing mine too... I heard him reciting some affirmations to himself, and I wished I could do more to help him. I wonder if this was how my dad felt when I'd have anxiety attacks. I was only five when he passed. He was my favorite person ever. I was diagnosed with anxiety a few months prior. Dealing with constant bullying contributed to that. He'd sit with me until I relaxed, while my mom and Arianna didn't really pay no mind. He was highly intelligent, just like me. We related to each other by our intelligence, while Mom and Arianna related to each other with how they were obsessed with themselves and their appearance.

"I get anxiety attacks when people argue and fight because I would get beat up in elementary school." Nicky blurted out, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"What?!" I gasped.

"I was bullied for how much I loved school. When I'd have smart comebacks to people who bothered me, they'd get angry and beat on me. I was really scrawny back then, so it was easy for people to pick on me." He explained, turning his head to face me.

"That sounds awful. I'm sorry you had to go through that." I sighed as I put my hand on his.

I quickly retracted it back and blushed. He chuckled lightly as he picked up his poster.

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