Artemis looked down at Harry, her silver eyes twinkling with amusement and affection. "Do you think so, Zoe?"

Zoe nodded, her usually stern face softening as she looked at the young boy. "I have seen many over the years, milady, and I've never seen a boy resemble his mother so closely."

Harry, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the attention, shifted his gaze between Artemis and Zoe. He wasn't quite sure what they were talking about, but he liked the idea of looking like his mama. "Do I really look like you, mama?" he asked Artemis, tilting his head to the side.

Artemis chuckled softly and knelt beside Harry, gently lifting his chin. "You do, my little moonbeam. You have my eyes and the same shape to your face. Though you have your father's hair," she said with a fond smile, brushing a few unruly black locks from Harry's forehead.

Harry beamed at the comparison. "That's good. I like looking like you, mama."

Erika, who had been watching the exchange with a gentle smile, approached Harry and playfully ruffled his hair. "Well, little man, are you ready for our shopping trip?"

Harry nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, Eri!"

Artemis straightened up, glancing around the camp. "Let's not delay then. Remember to be discreet and stick close."

Artemis held Harry close as she prepared to flash them to Offenburg. She could feel the anticipation radiating off of Harry and smiled.

"Harry I am going to flash us to a small city called Offenburg it's just east of here. Okay, you may feel like you are going to throw up as this will be the first time you experience this while awake."

Harry tensed slightly but nodded. "Yes mama," he replied, his voice trembling slightly.

"It's in West Germany but don't worry this is not the Germany from my time, they will not hurt you," said Erika hinting at her time as a Jew in Nazi Germany during World War II.

Harry visibly relaxed, understanding that his friend and mother were telling him he would be safe there. "Okay, mama," he said again, more confidently this time. "I'll try not to throw up."

Artemis smiled reassuringly, pressing a kiss to Harry's forehead. "It will be over before you know it. Just hold on tight."

With that, the world around them seemed to shimmer and dissolve, a sensation of weightlessness overtaking Harry. The surroundings blurred, colours and shapes swirling around them as they travelled through space and time in a matter of seconds.

Suddenly, they found themselves in a bustling street filled with people, cars, and buildings. The noise and activity were a stark contrast to the serene environment of the hunters' camp. The scents of fresh bread from a nearby bakery, gasoline from passing cars, and a mix of different perfumes and colognes filled the air.

Harry's head spun from the sudden transition, and he felt a slight queasiness in his stomach. He looked pale and soon vomited on her shoulder. Artemis didn't flinch or show any sign of disgust. She gently rubbed his back, murmuring soothing words into his ear.

"It's okay, my moonbeam," she whispered. "It's your first time. You'll get used to it."

Erika quickly pulled out a handkerchief from her pocket and handed it to Artemis, who used it to wipe away the mess from Harry's mouth and her own shoulder. The passersby didn't seem to notice the small scene, too engrossed in their own worlds to pay attention to the trio.

Harry's face was flushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, mama," he mumbled, his voice shaky before vomiting again, this time on the ground narrowly missing a German paramedic team who was walking through to their ambulance after buying food in the restaurant next to them.

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