"Hid the kids in the woods. Made sure they were safe. I saw a few I hid running around so I can only be glad they survived." 

Minho glanced over Arthur's face, scrutinising him in a fashion similar to a parent. "What happened to your face." There were scratches littered across it and he was filthy. His jacket he had placed on right before everything had happened was nearly destroyed, and cuts could be seen through the tattered material. "Scratch that, what happened to you."

"I fought like a warrior gotta show I'm the boss somehow." His voice showed he was joking and as much as Minho listened for any undertone he couldn't find one. 

There was a silence. 

"How the hell did you 'fight like a warrior' against a griever?" He did bunny ears for the 'fight like a warrior' and raised an eyebrow at the boy who rolled his eyes.

"It was difficult, but I just saved some kids from being eaten. Fuck man." He ran a hand through his hair and let out a shaky breath. "James is gone. Got fucking grabbed. Is that what happened to..." He stopped himself short and trailed off, now coming to the realisation as to what had happened.

They just sat there before Arthur let out a breath and sat up straight. "I'm glad you're alright." Minho looked at him for a second.

"Me too. You go speak to him." He watched as Arthur broke out a small smile and carefully walked toward Newt, his steps shaky. 

Minho couldn't help the relief that pulsed through him.

Arthur was alive.

Newt had his head in his hands. He was trying to gather himself enough to get through the day. He couldn't break down in front of everyone. Not when they needed him now more than ever.

"You okay Blondie?" That voice again. He didn't want to devolve into his memories again. He wasn't sure he could handle that again. "Blondie?" A hand was placed on his shoulder and he nearly shot his eyes open. 

He shook his head, nearly begging for whatever this was to go away. The voice had stopped and Newt nearly deflated in relief but instead, he felt something sit beside him. He looked at it in the corner of his eye and straightened, his eyes now wide open.


Arthur looked at him and smiled. "Blondie. You alright?" 

Newt was in shock and disbelief, how was he here when he was claimed to have been dead? "Artie?" He repeated.

"It's me." He nodded, patient as Newt came to terms with him being in front of him. Newt followed Arthur's movement as he placed his palm face up, offering it to Newt who held it tight as if he were scared Arthur was going to run away.

"It's you." Newt pulled Arthur into a hug. Arthur was nearly on Newt's lap but they didn't care as they gripped onto each other for dear life. "It's you. I thought you died." 

Arthur shook his head. "Still alive." Newt only held him closer, glad to be able to hold him after the long night. 

The early morning sun had risen and left them in a morning haze that their adrenaline-filled minds hadn't taken in, not the mention the heat that had descended down. Newt placed his forehead against Arthur's shoulder and simply held him. That's all he needed right now. The assurance that he was alive. As Arthur's hand grazed through his hair, undoing the knots Newt let himself go limpless and simply lean against Arthur.

The grazing against the nape of the neck was something Newt remembered. Something he held onto and now relished in as Arthur gently pressed a kiss against the top of his head. 

"I'm glad you're alive." His voice was quiet but Newt heard it. 

He raised his head and looked over Arthur's face. "You ran off. You left without saying where you were going." Arthur's face showed he knew this was what was going to happen. "You can't do that. Especially not when something as bad as this is happening. God, I don't know what I thought happened to you when I got told-" He was silenced by Arthur's lips as he cupped Newt's face in a way that spoke for itself. 

When Arthur backed away, much to Newt's displeasure, he shook his head with a small smile on his lips. "Be quiet." Arthur patted his cheek but Newt realised this was how he was going to leave and he really didn't want him to. 

And so he grabbed the back of Arthur's neck and pulled him back in, desperate the memorise his lips and imprint them into his memory. Arthur's hands tangled in his hair, slightly gripping it and pulling him closer. 

Newt pulled away and kissed his forehead. "Shit I missed you."

a/n moving onto story line next. I have half term after next week so the book may be finished in the next month. Only a few more chapters.

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