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Being a 27-year-old foreign woman and businesswoman in Spain is not an easy task, and on top of that I am still helping my uncle Joan Laporta

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Being a 27-year-old foreign woman and businesswoman in Spain is not an easy task, and on top of that I am still helping my uncle Joan Laporta.

Since my uncle became president of Barcelona fútbol club, my life has been much busier than usual.

I constantly have to attend Barça events, games and training sessions, which is not a hassle for me.

My father is Spanish but my mother is french so a large part of my life I spent in France, even from afar, my father influenced me and made me love the Catalan club, because of him I've been a culé since I was little, so I'll never think it's a bad thing to see everything that happens at the club up close.

My degree in administration also influenced these invitations from my uncle, he hopes that I follow in his footsteps.

I don't see myself being president of a football team, but for now I'm enjoying helping my uncle at work and I'm really enjoying the lessons I'm receiving.

I have no problem gaining a little experience by seeing how managing such a large team works.

Usually my work is related to the men's football team, but recently my uncle wants and is paying the same attention to the women's team.

Which makes me happy, I'm a fan of women's football and I'm happy to see the seriousness and professionalism with which the Barcelona women's team is treated.

My uncle saw my interest in the women's league and recommended that I work with the women's team and that's what I'm going to do in a few days.

But, today my job is to follow the negotiations for the contract renewal of Alexia Putellas and Mapi Léon.
These are the main renewals and the team's biggest priority now. So the hope is that everything will go as smoothly as possible.

At today's meeting, Alexia's agent and lawyer and Alexia herself will be present, her family is also likely to be present. The meeting about Mapi Léon's contract will only take place in the afternoon.

My uncle's secretary informed me which room the meeting would take place in and explained that I was supposed to take control of the situation, as they hadn't arrived yet and were stuck in traffic.

Taking a deep breath, I run my hand over my white jumpsuit and brush away a strand of blonde hair that was falling in my face.

Here we go.

Putting my smile in place, I square my spine into a straight line, push the door handle, and walk smoothly toward them.

— Bon dia, Let me introduce myself, I'm Isabel Laporta, I work with Joan, a small unforeseen event occurred and he will end up being late. So if there is no problem, could we start without him?  — I shake everyone's hand, there are more people in this room than I expected, but nothing I can't handle.

— It's a pleasure to meet you Alexia. — Of course, I've seen Alexia Putellas before, but I've never had the opportunity to meet her in person.

I always heard about her and her majestic aura, I always paid attention to the conversation when her name came up. I had never seen her so close and I don't like to deify anyone before meeting them in person.

And when you're a fan, especially if you're as passionate as the culés are, you tend to deify and place your idols on a pedestal.

So I was a little anxious to find out what La Reina is like, to be honest, she exceeds any expectations.

So I see her here, in the meeting rooms of the Spotify Camp Nou stadium.

To be honest, the sports fan in me is freaking out, but I maintain my composure.

— The pleasure is all mine. — Her gaze goes from top to bottom, watching me for a few seconds without blinking.

Her hair falls on both sides of her face and and her hands are clasped upon her lap. She has a simple suit that flatters her body and long legs.

Her eyebrows are furrowed, giving her a more serious, tougher, more untouchable appearance.

La reina.



It's more than just her nickname and all about all the power she has.

How she looks isn't a surprise to me, in all the female games, maybe I paid more attention to her than I should have.

Being sincere, my heart and brain are too gay to avoid falling for the charms of the beautiful woman in front of me.

The meeting hadn't started long before my uncle and the rest of his team arrived. During that small period of time, I felt her gaze even without turning to see her face.

My uncle greeted Alexia and her team as if they were old friends, maybe they were closer than I assumed, or my uncle is being nice to make everything go as smoothly as possible.

— Sorry for the delay, it looks like everything is going well, right? Sorry for the rudeness of interrupting the meeting like that. — He asks me, and I answer. I want him to take control of this meeting as quickly as possible.

As my uncle explained the new terms and clauses that would be included in this contract, a wave of awareness ran down my spine as Alexia's gaze fixed on me from across the room.

I was going to ignore it, being cowardly and afraid to let my gay panic break through, but I found myself looking at her anyway.

My cheek burned and my stomach turned at the exchange of glances, but I held her gaze until she looked away.

My uncle must have said something funny, I'm not focused on his voice at all, only a small smile appears on Alexia's lips. Her lips are sensual and well proportioned.

And now I'm looking at her lips.

I shouldn't do that, I have to be professional.

I divert my gaze to the other people present and it was like that for the rest of the meeting, avoiding any interaction or looks from the player.

After the meeting ended, when I greeted her, the feeling of her palm on my hand again is like burning from the inside out.

— Hope to see you at our next game. — She touches my shoulder, in a friendly way. 

Her eyes roam over me once more, with a suffocating intensity that takes my breath away again. She didn't seem like the shy woman everyone says she was.

— I will be there. — She takes a step back, all physical contact is gone, and I finally breathe properly.

 — She takes a step back, all physical contact is gone, and I finally breathe properly

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English is not my first language.
I hope you understand.

The story is purely fiction, the player's personality is invented. Please do not associate the personality of the players mentioned in the fanfic with reality.

Thank you and I hope you like it.

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