Chapter 7- Whistle in the Rain

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"You see, when we were children, Severin, he loved to see you. Julchen and I we barely knew who you were. Severin would always be with you. Our grandfather had enough of Severin being with his enemy's grandchild. Severin was grounded from seeing you. During that ever lasting summer, do you remember that storm that went on for hours? Severin snuck out to see you. We'd lived so far apart then, he was just a child and had gotten lost in the rain. He had gotten really sick when we found him. Grandfather had tried to nurse him back to health, it hadn't worked. Severin was far to sick to recover. He died three weeks later. Grandfather had told us about being countries, because Severin was dead, he'd soon be forgot. We were told to never forget our brother even though the world seemed to. When I was told to tell you the news, I saw that your country hadn't, I had to keep you close. That's why I fell in love with you at first. Now I'm glad more people can know of his death." Luddy said, keeping calm.

"Are you saying your brother's death was my fault?" I asked.

"No, I'm saying because of his death...the world can know after one of us is gone." he said.

I looked into his blue orbs, he couldn't be anymore serious. "Your not saying one of us is going to die are you?"

He kissed me, "I'm saying that if one of us does die, we can't forget."

I tried to hold back my tears, "Luddy, I understand what your saying. But do you wish he never died? Do you regret meeting me?"

He pulled me close, "I'm sad he had to die. Severin should be the one you married and are having kids with. But I can't sit here and say I would have kept him safe if it meant loosing you. Alice, I'm in love with my wife, that's you. I'm not sure where I'd be if he survived. I'd miss your warm hugs, gental kisses, and your beautiful smile."

The tears fell as he spoke. I knew he loved me, with every breath he made, I knew. It slightly ached. My memories with his brother had started to come back. I didn't know how to express my feelings.

"Luddy." I said, praising the name that came out of my mouth.

He pulled me off the couch. "Alice, I love you."

He walked out of the house, driving off again. I cried harder, he left after just telling me about the past. I locked the door behind him, rushing to the phone. Chiara wasn't going to be happy. I called her quickly, the only thing I could think of doing.

"Si?" she asked into the phone.

"Chiara, Luddy left again." I said.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I called him home because Vladimir came by saying he wanted Julchen. Luddy told me a huge secret, we had a short talk. He said 'I love you' and walked out." I cried.

"Any idea where he is going?" she asked.

"To Julchen maybe." I said.

"Tony, stop...Alice is one the other end. Tony, not now." she said, "Sorry, Tony was trying to do it again. God, I swear if he wasn't so good, I don't know what I'd do."

"Chiara, can we focuse on my missing husband." I said.

She sighed. "Fine, but afterwards were talking about me later."

I was quiet. My eyes had widened. I didn't feel pain or anything, when I looked down there was a puddle on the floor. I gripped the phone tight.

"Chiara..." I said, trying not to scream.

"Yes? What? Are you okay?" she asked.

"My water...come pick me up quick. I need to call Ludwig." I said, feeling a slight pressure.

"Alright, we're on it."

I hung up, dialing Luddy's number. Voicemail. I swore under my breath. I tried again and again before they arrived. I got into the car and hurried to the hospital. I closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes. Ludwig, Chiara, Antonio, Julchen, and a familiar face were all in the room. Antonio had contacted Julchen, Luddy was with her. I couldn't think of who the other person in the room was. It wa a girl, she had tan skin and long dark hair. Saliha (Fem!Turkey) had made her way over. We were friends in school.

"Did I have the twins?" I asked.

Luddy smiled, he hurried over to kiss my cheek. "Saliha, she's the doctor who delivered them. A girl and a boy. Monika and Luca. Alice, you did great."

I smiled weakly, "Where are they?" I asked.

"Nursing room, they're being kept under watch from Vlad. Plus they were born early. Don't worry." Saliha said. She smiled, brushing hair from my face.

"Can I see them?" I asked.

She nodded, leaving the room for a minute. Chiara and Antonio smiled. Julchen left the room, almost crying. I looked to Ludwig for answers. He looked a little sad behind his smile.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Julchen know's why Vlad wants her. She said she'd risk it to save her new family." Luddy said.

I looked at him, "You can't be serious. Your going to let your sister risk her life to help us out."

Chiara put her hand on my shoulder, "Don't strain yourself. She would have a plan."

Saliha came back, holding a blue and a pink blanket. The one in pink, Monika, she had brown hair on her head. Her eyes were blue like Luddy's. The one in blue, Luca, he had blonde hair and amber eyes like me. Both were adorable, I knew instantly I made the right choice.


Short update! Sorry, school is making updating any book hard :P

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