Chapter 2- Baby, it's going to be alright

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After a long afternoon, Ludwig finally got me comfortable with the idea of having a baby. Around 6 p.m. we had a pasta break. We stayed up a little later planning out what being parents would be like. Around 8 we went to bed. I fell into a swift dreamless sleep.

"Is that?" a familiar voice asked. I was slightly awake and keeping my eyes closed.

"It's Alice, she's my girlfriend." Luddy said.

"Why is she in your bed?" the voice asked.

He scoffed. "She wants to have a baby. She was really different yesterday though."

"Your not married! I will not allow this." the voice said sternly.

I opened my eyes. Ludwig had scars all over his body, he was wearing an unfamiliar white tank top. The voice was our friend, Kiku, he was oddly dressed in a black uniform and his usually dull grey eyes had red tints in them. I yawned and sat up.

"Good morning, Alice." Kiku said.

"Morning, Kiku. Luddy, I need to call Chiara." I said, getting off the bed.

"Okay, I'll be out there in a minute." he said.

I nodded and walked to the phone in the living room. I dialed her number and waited. "Hello, this is Antonio, Miss Chiara isn't here at the moment. May I take a message."

"Antonio? Why are you talking about her like she is your boss?" I asked.

"Alice? Why did you call Chiara's work number?" he asked.

I didn't understand, Chiara didn't have a job, Antonio did. "What? I called her cellphone. Where does she work?" I asked.

"Chi-Chiara's." he said. "Oh, did she not tell you?"

"Tell me what? Her job?" I asked.

"No, I'll have her tell you later." he said.

"Okay, well. I gotta go make food for Luddy." I said.

"Wait, did you do it with him?" Antonio asked.

I didn't know what to tell him. If I said no, I'd be lying. If I said yes, Chiara would kill me. I guess the truth is better than lying. "Yeah." I said quietly.

"Alice, she is going to kill you. Are you pregnant?" he rambled.

"I haven't check yet. I was gonna wait a few hour to, if you want I check and call you back." I said.

"Nah, I gotta get back to work." he said.

"Ciao, come over tonight." I said.

"I'll run it by her, Ciao." he said.

I hung up and walked back to the room they were in. Kiku and Luddy were arguing over what happened. Kiku has a weird belief, if you kiss somebody you must take responsibility and marry them. So Ludwig both kissed me and had sex with me, Kiku is going to be mad at him.

"So why are you guys arguing in the bedroom?" I asked.

"I have no clue." Kiku said.

"Kiku, do you wanna go back to Natalia? Me and Alice need to talk." Ludwig said.

"I'll go." he said.

"Bye! See'ya, Kiku." I called out.

Luddy grabbed my shoulder. I looked into his hard blue eyes. He looked into my eyes also. His face held the same look it held when we met, sorrow.

"What? What happened?" I asked.

"Kiku, he said he'd tell Chiara about last night if I didn't marry you. Alice, do you want to get married?" he asked.

Newcomer (2p!Hetalia FanFic) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now