Chapter 40: The Forest Guardian

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Unknown Forest / Forest Cavern / Evening / 2 days later

Its been 2 days since Jaime was taken by the mysterious Forest Dragon and he is on a cavern and has trees and vegetation inside like the cave has its own forest too and has its own waterfall and a lake and the ceiling there's sunlight coming. He was sleeping on some magical yellow energy bed for him as it was keeping him warm from the cold of his body as he was wet. He is slowly waking up and next to him there was a wooden table with some bowl of water and fruits, he proceeds to wake up slowly and grab the things and start eating fast, he was starving from the malnutrition those dragons they were giving to him. Once he finished eating, he drink the water from the bowl and the water is very purified. He decided to touch his back but he doesn't feel pain from the scratch he received from Vikas and it turns out his wounds are nothing but some very thin visible scars like they are completely healed. He is confused and looked around and see the trees and the large cavern and he can hear the birds chirping around. He thinks he died but decided not to think about that and proceed to look around and once he went to explore his bed disappeared. He ignores it and looks around.

Jaime: (Walking around the trees) Hello?? (His voice echoed in the forest cavern) Anybody here??

No response and continues to walk around until he hears a female voice echoing around and her voice is very soothing and calm.

"You finally awake! I thought you will not make it"

Jaime: (Looking around) Who are you!? Where am I??

"You are in my home Jaime, this forest is where I lived for over 300 years, your safe with me"

Jaime: I don't know who you are but how you know me? Who are you?

"I'm right behind you"

From behind him... she was there and quite close to him as she was looking at him.

 she was there and quite close to him as she was looking at him

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Jaime: (Turns around and backing off scared) NO!! YOU BET-

Anayath: Sshhh..... Im not here to hurt you Jaime....

Jaime: How am I supposed to trust you after what your kind is doing on mines!!? Your kind is slaving us!!

Anayath: And yet, I was the one who rescue you and healed your wounds and brought you food and water.... Does that make me like them?

Jaime: I mean..... I don't know but I have a feeling this is a trick! How am I suppose you are not going to slave me!

Anayath: Slaving you? That's what supremacist do. And what I've given you it will never make me a supremacist because I found you by the rivers two days ago dying! I saved your life!

Jaime: You saved my life? Wait it was you? You healed my wounds and brought me those fruits??

Anayath: I did Jaime. You can trust me. My name is Anayath, I've roamed these forests for almost all my life.

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