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Aru: Whenever I order food, I like doing it under fake names.

Aru: And so today I was like-

Aru: Hmmmm *Lip smack*

Aru: I feel like a ✨dAvId✨💅

Aru: And so I went in, and she was like 'wHat'S dA nAmE yOu wAnNa oRdEr uNdEr?'

Aru: And I was like, David!

Aru: And mind you, there were only two people in the shop, right?

Aru: So it came to the time for the order, and she was like, 'oRdEr fOr dAvId!'

Aru: And I was like, *scoff*

Aru: *lip smack* WHO da heck is David?

Aru: Why isn't he coming to get his order? 💅

Aru: And I was like, lol. David is so stupid

Aru: Then I realized-

Aru: I'm David-

Aru Shah Incorrect Quotes/Memes #7Where stories live. Discover now