Chapter 39: Sarah's training

Start from the beginning

She is looking around in the area and she is hearing wing flaps in the distance until he revealed himself and started orbiting around her and snarling at her.

Sarah: (Defense position while holding her sword two handed) Show me what you got!!!

He turned around and breath attack her and she dodge it and she proceed to sprint towards him while he still flying away from her and he turns again and went at her and tries to snatch her but she dodged by throwing herself to the ground and stood up again. Then Krex proceed to turn back and land aggressively that made the ground vibrate as he has his head lowered on her snarling aggressively. Sarah with eyes wide she never seen him in this aggressiveness ever. Krex was walking slowly around her while still looking at her vicious and smoke exiting in his nostrils as he is grinning his sharp teeths.

Sarah: (Deep breath trying to control her nerves) Okay... I know I can do this.. (Charged!!!!)

She was swift and precise with her attempts as Krex breath attack her and she use magic shield spell and block incoming fire as she is engulfed with his attack and she can feel the heat. He stops and she charges and slashed his face off and backed off from him, he touched his face and theres blood coming and he looks at her more angrily but smiles.

Krex: (Walking with body lowered and growling while she was backing off) Well done!! Now.... IMPRESS ME!!! (Roared!!!!!)

She charges at him and cast her magic shield as he breath attacked her while she is running towards him and he dodge her slash and slapped her away and she flew by a few meters and she is injured. She dropped her sword somewhere and she cannot find it, while Krex from behind her is walking slowly to her like a predator and about to eat her. She got up and started running looking for her weapon desperately and immediately Krex pounced on her but missed and she almost got snatched by his claws. She saw her sword in the distance and she is running towards it so fast that she stumbles herself from a rock and started crawling to her weapon and Krex again runs and jumps on her as he was above her about to eat her alive until she grabbed her weapon and rolled her body away from him as she escaped from his jaws. She hears the bite sound from him and she stood up next to a fire geyser on her right, she was looking both at him and the Geyser.

Krex: (Walking and body lowered and head while growling at her showing teeths and more smoke is coming on his nostrils) Come on! This is your test, Sarah! do not be afraid! Face off your fears!!!

Sarah proceed to move her sword to the geyser as the blade was touching the fire and the golden metal is overheating and all the sudden the sword completely lights up in flames and the red gems lights up bright red. She was there standing still looking at Krex as he was there standing looking at what she just did.

Sarah: (Moving her sword around feeling the heat of the flames and looks at him) (Charged!!!!)

She cast her shield and Krex engulfed her in fire and he continues until he got tired she runs again to him and breath attack her again but he was becoming weakened, her magic is strong but also she is becoming weakened, she slashed his face and he screamed in pain.

Sarah: Gods!! Krex are you-

Krex: You are doing great!!! Come on!! We need to finish the test!! (Roared at her!!!!)

She charged at him again and did the same this time once he stop breath attacking her he proceeds to bite attack her and almost she did got bit and dodged and slashed again and went and slashed his front right arms

Krex: (Screamed in pain!!!!!) AAAGHH!!! TSSSSSS!!!! (Walking slower as he is injured) GOOD!!! CONTINUE!!!

Sarah: Krex are you sure!? I don't want to ki---

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