Chapter 0 : introduction

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This chapter will just be a introduction to the characters in the story including you ☺️

Y/n (your name) :
17 years old
2 siblings 1 sister and 1 brother (they can have any name)
Any pet (you choose)

S/n (sisters name)
8 years old
Likes to run around alot and wonder off
Play pranks with your brother (sometimes)
Really likes to play video games with you

B/n (brothers name)
7 years old
Likes to play with your sister (because they're the main trouble makers)
Has a pet lizard called izzy

M/n (moms name)
40 years old
Likes to read and bake (sometimes)
Works at the hospital (as a doctor)
Also likes to journal when she has the time

D/n (dads name)
42 years old
Works at a restaurant
Sometimes has to work late
Doesn't really like the pranks that your siblings play especially if its on him
Likes to take naps during his time off

H/c : hair color
E/c : eye color

Im not sure what else to add but i will add them at the beginning of the chapters if i need too anyways hope you enjoy the story 🫶🏼🥱🧚

Also the twins in this story might end up being a little bit yandere or sadistic !!!

Ours | Gleeful twins x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now