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"And I also found out that they plan to kill Mix at the outing"Tay said and hand over the Documents where the Real identity of Arrah was written.

Earth ask Off to help him investigate the lady and without any hesitation off help him and they found out that Arrah that they know right now is fake and her real name was Danica and she was an old friend of Mix's dad, she was madly inlove in Mix's dad but Mix's dad is in a relationship with Arrah she found out that Arrah was pregnant with Mix and she tried to ruined them by saying that Mix's grandmother was against the relationship of Arrah and her son and Mix's grandmother wants his son to marry Danica.

Arrah ran away after she gave birth to Mix and Left him to His father because she knows that he will have a good life with them.

Danica on the other hand tried to seduce Mix's dad when arrah left but he  doesn't care and he got into an accident and died.

"Okay I'll go to Mix now I have to make sure he's safe"Earth said and he was about to get up when Tay talked.

"Earth, don't waste too much energy. You know we haven't completed all the parts of the ship yet so please take care of yourself and don't do things that will get you hurt You don't have to worry about finding parts for the ship, I'll take care of completing it after all we only need two"Tay Earth Nod

"I'll leave now"


Going to car after eating dinner together

"Earth/Mix I have something to tell you!"Mix blush when both of them talk in chorus.

"You first"Earth

"No you first"Mix

"Okay.... Ummm this.. Look at this" he gave him the documents and Mix Read it Earth was confused when he saw that Mix is not shock.

"Thank you Earth... Actually I already know"Mix smile sadly


"I heard her talking to someone and I heard that she was here for my wealth....she still don't know that I know.... I'm planing to talk to her."Mix said Earth got closer to Mix.

"I'll go with you!"Earth suggest and mix nod and they go to the car
"Anyway what do you want to tell me earlier?"Earth ask.

"hmmm later"Mix said.. Mix and earth arrived in front of Mix house.

"Mix what do you want to tell me?"Earth ask again.

"hmmmm..... I like you"Mix confessed his face immediately blushed earth was shock to hear him.

"w-what?"he asked again.

"I like you!"Mix said louder When it sink in to Earth he immediately blush.

"I.... I... I like you too"He confessed 'Jennie is right' Mix smile and Kiss earth near his lips Earth was immediately stunned by what happened and became a stump and got a nose bleed JK.

"Let's go now earth!"Mix said and hold Earth's hands they both go inside.


"Mix son you're here?" the woman said.

"Stop pretending I know who you really are"Mix said the woman looks suddenly change.

"so you already know"she said.

"Yes I do.... Why did you do that to me?"Mix asked he was angry.

"haha why don't you ask your mother.... Oh shes already dead..hmmm okay I'll just tell you, you know I want your wealth....  And If it wasn't to your mother I already married your dad.... I did my best to separate them but no matter what I do he still want that woman... If it wasn't to her I have everything now!!!"the woman said wildly she suddenly get her phone and tap it.

"If I can't have your wealth then I'll just destroy you!"She said and

"Shut up and don't ever come close to me!"Mix said

"Hehe!"She laugh like a psycho and show the picture in the phone it was a picture of them earlier where Mix Kiss earth

"I think its time to say goodbye to your carrer!"she said and smile like crazy.

This Story is just from my imagination.... And English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there are some wrong grammar^v^
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