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The time she apload she tried to run away but before she can run away Off and others already got there with the police they bring her to the police station and file a case.

An hour before they delete the photo it already went viral many of Mix fans got mad and some of them got disappointed.
"so he's gay😭I don't know anymore if I can support him😭"

"OMG! Noooo! I ship him with Neo!"

"I'm so disappointed!"

"no Mix you're only for me😠"

"OMG!Mix don't mind them just do what makes you happy"

"Mix we support you #Earthmix"

"Leave Mix and Earth alone let them be happy!"

"I knew it OMG my heart can't handle this happiness"

"Ew Mix! just Ew!🤮"

"OMG #Earthmix is real I'm crying I've been praying this!"

"Oh! I thought it was Mix and Tay!"

But a lot of his fans is also happy for him and Mix and Earth didn't expect them to do that Mix fans stand along his Side they even make a fandom called Earthmix to support both of them.

Mix felt happy to his fans that always support him and always there for him.

Mix felt like crying because of happiness in Earth's Arms.

"I was so afraid that they will hate me"Mix said after he read some of the comments because he wasn't expecting that there will be alot of his fans that will still support him, Danica thought that if she spread the picture on the social media Mix's Career will go down but they didn't expect that more fans will still support him for who he is.

"I don't know why you still don't know that the Fandom Earthmix is been existing for a while..... Like hello how?.... You don't really know?.. Like every time you two post pictures with each other it always go viral because of Earth mix fandom..."P'Jenny confusedly ask the two because they don't know that their fans called their ship Earthmix.

"hahaha Don't be mad Jennie" Earth Said to Jennie and their friends laugh at her

While Danica get to Jail after what she did.

This Story is just from my imagination.... And English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there are some wrong grammar^v^
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