"I've no doubt your mug will be on a wanted poster one day", Shanks reassured as he pressed a tissue on the wound. Luffy winced. "But you're not ready", he told him yet again. "My ship already has an anchor", he explained before taking a sip of his beverage. "I'm not an anchor", Luffy said. The red head pointed to the boy's shirt. He looked down to see that his shirt said 'ANCHOR' in big blue letters.

The man tapped the kid's nose and stood up chuckling, taking with him his beer and the medical box. Luffy watched him walk away with a saddened look. "Stupid Shanks", he muttered, getting up himself.

He walked into a room where they kept the crates and boxes. He kicked one and grunted "Stupid treasure". Walking a bit more, he sat on top of one big crate. A small box got his attention. It was the box that Roux had let fallen.

Standing back up, he approached the mysterious box and took it. When he opened it, there was a metallic purple fruit. It had twirls on the peel and a brown curly stem. Luffy narrowed his eyes and took the fruit in his hands. He smelled it first before taking a large bite. He swallowed it with a sour face but kept eating. The interior of the fruit was apple green and juicy. At the end, Luffy had eaten it all.

"There you go, Captain", a crew member said, handing a bottle of alcohol to Shanks. As he took it, a group of men entered the small bar.

"Bring us your best whiskey", the leader ordered the bartender who was cleaning a table. She walked back to the counter. "I'm afraid we're out", she said. The leader of the group went up and stood next to the red hair. "That'd be our fault, friend", he commented. "We've, uh, been doing some celebrating", he added, looking around to his crew and friends. "We've drunk the place dry, but..." Shanks took a half empty bottle and placed it near the black haired man. "Perhaps this will make up for it."

The beard man took the bottle and examined it. He grumbled, looking back at the pirate in a straw hat. "What are we supposed to do with one bottle?" Shanks shook his head. "Generally, you drink it."

The man chuckled before breaking the glass bottle on the counter. This made Shanks' crew look over at the noises. They prepared their arms, just in case.

Luffy also heard. A slightly worried expression was on his face. He put the last bit of the fruit in his mouth and stood up.

Shank looked down at the shattered pieces of glass. "Now there's glass everywhere", he commented. The angry man hummed in response. Luffy was walking towards the sounds to see what was happening.

"Makino", Shanks called at the bartender. "Got a mop?", he asked. Makino nodded and handed a mop to him. Shanks then started to clean up the mess the man had done.

Luffy looked a bit frustrated at the sight and the man chuckled again. He then scooped all of the objects on the counter and made them fall on the ground, like a cat would. His men laughed and Shanks stopped mopping the floor. He looked over his shoulder, making eye contact with the black haired man.

"Since you like cleaning so much", the man said. Shanks went back to cleaning the floor. "Come on, men. Let's find a real bar", he spoke, walking off.

Shanks' crew laughed. "He got you good, huh, Cap'n?"Roux friendly mocked. "You got a mop?" the dark skinned man mimicked and they laughed even more. Shanks had a small smile on his face and Luffy was angrily walking towards him.

"Why are you laughing?" the young boy shouted with frustration. "How could you let him insult you like that?" he scolded. "All he did was spill a drink on me", Shanks replied, brushing the incident off. "But you should've fought back! Why didn't you kick his ass?" Luffy yelled.

"Not everything can be solved with violence", Shanks explained. "A man needs to be strong, but he also needs to be good", he clarified. Luffy walked over to him. "You're not a real man. You're nothing but a coward", he spoke harshly.

One Piece x child!ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora