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'This is the most awkward situation I have experienced in my whole life'

This Sunghe or whatever her name is caught us, me and Jungkook, sleeping together. I somehow cuddled in his embrace only because it was warm, that's all.

-"So... how long have you been dating?"

-"We are not dating"

Jungkook and I answered at the same time. We looked at each other's faces in extreme aversion and repugnance. We hate each other, right?

I saw the girl smile after seeing our faces.

-"Ok, ok, anyone would say you two are a beautiful couple, and how did you guys meet"

-"He kidnapped me"

I answered while gritting my teeth. I am obviously throwing hints at him.

-"She desperately asked me to take her with me"

-"What? Don't make me laugh, says the one who wanted to kill me"

-"But instead I saved your crying ass a hrunded times"

-"Never needed your help"

-"I should have let those men rip your throat that day"

-"Yes, you should have"

The three of us are sitting by the table having some breakfast but the atmosphere is getting a bit tensed. I saw Sunghe trying to come the environment.

-"Guys please, let's eat before the food gets cold..."

-"I am done, I can't eat while looking at his face"

I got up and bowed at Sunghe before leading my way to the bathroom to fresh up my face.


'She makes me go out of my senses. I swear I am being patient'

I was gonna take a sip of my coffee but saw Sunghe looking at me with a smirking face.


-"I think something it's weird here"

-"What? "

-"Idk, it's just the vibes you guys gave me, they smell of... conspiracy"

I see the intentions in her smile.

-"What do you mean?"

-"You know, before marrying Yungjeon we were like cats and dogs and it was hard for me to accept the fact that I was falling more than I should, sometimes when we were arguing we said the things we didn't want to but couldn't avoid, be careful with what you tell each other, some words go directly to the heart"

-"I know what you say but you are misunderstanding everything, Sunghe, this is just all business"

-"Jungkook, what kind of job you involved yourself now? You promised yesterday you would explain"

-"Sure you are, you know she is still in hospital, her body gets worst by seconds, and she must be performed an expensive surgery immediately, money that I don't have, that oldy wants that luxurious diamond in his hands... and I said I would get it for him in three weeks"

-"Wait a second... that oldy... Jungkook I can't believe you are talking about.. "

-"Yes.. "

I retorted while lowering my gaze.

-"Jungkook are you crazy?!! How are you going to be working for that bastard!! After what he did to your family!!"

Thanatophobia (Jungkook × reader) Where stories live. Discover now