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"Uhggg i miss chayy" Macau groans from his place on the couch  cuddling with kim who just fondly smiles at him

"I know me too but you heard tankhun, chay died when he was a minor still meaning it will take him a little while to roam everywhere without adult supervision"

Macau glares "what about all the times he went to school"

Kim gave him a pointed look "how do we even know he went to school,  and remember they have the power to be invisible"

Macau rolls his eyes and just leans further into kim

Vegas walks in clearing his throat leading the young couple to separate, then he smirks

Marcus huffs and glares " you are seriously scared of my hia when you know you are just as dangerous as him"

Kim nervous chuckled before guiding Macau back to their original position "no of course not, vegas doesn't scare me"

Vegas rolls his eyes as pete stood besides him snickering

Then kinn strolled in with Porsche in tow and a curious look on his face "hey kim, do you know why papa is acting so weird"

Kim shrugs "maybe it has to do with the fact of the huge truth bomb kan told"

"But that was months ago khun korn is still on that" Porsche said exhausted

Macau shrugs "I think its because of the rumors"

Everyone looks at him curiously
"What rumors ter" kim asked

"Well pa visited me and vegas a couple weeks back and we were able to ask him a few questions and well apparently he's aware of the rumors of a demon being soulmates with a human soon to be demon"

"Hm thats right, and now he is seeing another to get his fake parents off his back, but thats just false"

Pete squint his eyes as if he was figuring something out "and where did you three talk"

"Oh here in the gardens" Macau pipes up then everyone made a realization

"And knowing the theerapanyakuns...." pete started

"They can't help but to eavesdrop" Porsche finished

"HEY!" They all shouted offended earning themselves a look

And just then, 2 well loved ghosts showed up much to their pleasure

"Hia!!, chay!" All shouted as they leap from their spot and went to hug them

"Chayy I missed you so much" Macau dramatically cries leading his boyfriends to roll their eyes

"I know cau, I heard you whined about it 10 minutes ago" chay sarcastically said leading Macau to blush
"O-oh you were here"

Chay nodded "just invisible" he cheekily grins

Macau pouts "not cool"

Chay chuckled then made his way to Porsche "hia!! You were missed" he exclaimed

Porsche hugs him tightly "I missed you too nong so much"

While the others were fussing over chay, tankhun had managed to take kinn to the side "so dad is sulking i heard" he teased knowingly

Kinn grins "old man is jealous big time" 

Tankhun laughs "oh kan will be excited to hear this"

"Kan made up the rumors didn't he"

"Yep, you gotta admit our family really loves to eavesdrop"

Kinn did nothing but nodded agreeing

"By the way" Tankhun exclaims catching everyone's attention "I have someone i want to introduce you to" then he looks pointly at chay sending him a signal

Chay nodded then sadly looks at Porsche "hia guess what I found tem"

Porsche was taken aback by the sudden mention of his friend "oh really how's he doing"

Chay rubs his arm "hia" he softly spoke

Then Porsche eyes widen as he made the realization "no no no no, don't tell me"

"He was in a hit and run hia, died before I did"

Porsche tears up "how is he now"

Tankhun sadly smiles at him "why don't you look for yourself" then he looks back "ter" he calls out

Then tem suddenly appeared and sadly looks at Porsche "hey dude"

Porsche sniffs "im a horrible person" then he got on his knees in despair making tem and chay go hug him

"You didn't fail hia" Chay softly spoke

"Yea, life just hits us unexpectedly, I mean you knew you would end up being a mafia husband" tem jokes

"Wait if he came here with Tankhun then that mean" Macau drowns out

"He's my Soulmate, I took him to the angel realm" Tankhun smiles at the hugging trio

"Okay before you three leaves, is there anything else we should know" pete questions

Chay nodded "my wings are almost grown meaning I can come here whenever I want without tankhun looking over me"

"FINALLY, I been wanting to kiss you but it would be weird if my  hia was right there in the room" kim exclaimed

Macau nods furiously making everyone laugh

Then a new voice came in "as humans are we allowed to enter another realm"

Everyone turns to see korn coming in looking determined

Tankhun looks at him confused "um unless you are dead, or in  a coma then you're not allowed in the realms but you can go as far as the border before the 2 realms why"

He looks at everyone and sighs "i want to talk to my soulmate"

"And all you have to do is summon me, now what do you want" kan enters from his own portal

"I want to be your everything" he spoke with a determined look on his face

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