7: tales of tem's death

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A/n: i didn't like how i ended this so short and  dull lmao, enjoy the next few chapters :)

6 months has passed since learning about chay and tankhun

6 months and the family was returning to normal

Well as normal as it gets around here

Currently we have tankhun at his place in the angel realm while chay is by his side lounging around on his couch

Then a small chime was heard and tankhun looks up and gives a big smile

"Hey angel, hard at work I see" tem grins as he strides toward tankhun and gave him a kiss

Tankhun hummed happily "yea just a lot of paperwork to deal with here"

"Those cupids giving you a hard time not completing their tasks" tem softly said as he rubs tankhun's back

"Yea that and its just all this is keeping me away from my family, I missed them, haven't seen them in a while" he pouts which tem happily kissed away which earned a jokenly vomit noise from chay

Tem smiles "that is why I asked if you can have the week off next week, consider it my anniversary present to you"

Tankhun eyes widen "you didn't have to do that, thank you" he gets up and gave his soulmate the biggest hug and smirks "and if that baby angel wasn't lounging on the couch, I would be bending over it right now"

Tem breath hitched and looked down and looks back at tankhun "ter you can't do that, now i gotta take a very cold shower and right before my meeting too" he whines

Chay looks at him confused "meeting with who, you're dead and not in the angel council"

Tem rolls his eyes "im in charge of meeting the soul and angel in charge at the border"

"When do you know the next one is coming"

"Well a few people are filling in for me right now but normally you would hear a loud chime then it will take an hour or so for the angel to coax the soul to the realm"

"Um tem if you don't mind, can I please learn what happened to you, I been wondering all this time still"

Tankhun and tem looks at each other and sadly smiles then tem went to sit next to chay

"The most important thing to know is that I went quick, I felt no pain"

Chay looks at tem curiously as tem continues

"The story goes like this....


"I was a very simple person, I only had jom and Porsche by my side, they knew of my issues of being abandoned and they will always be by my side" angel tem spoke

Then the scene shifted to a bar where Porsche was making drinks and tem and Jon was sitting in front of him all laughing

"We were all very close until suddenly Porsche disappeared without a trace"

The scene shifted again to just jom and tem sitting at a bar

"Do you think he moved" jom spoke out loud

Human tem shook his head "no he would've told us"

"True plus i just saw chay at the store the other day"

Human tem ponders "i wonder if chay knew where he went"

Jom shook his head "no i asked him that day, he said he was just left with a note"

"And then before I knew it, jom just took one glance at a girl and left me behind" angel tem spoke
"A month later I went to the bar again, and i got a little too drunk but I was still sober enough to walk home, only for a car to run pass the red light and hit me head on, luckily the drinks I just had took care of the pain, and so I just closed my eyes and never woke"

"Did you see your own funeral" angel chay asked

"I actually did, jom did great with it, the sad part is we both knew Porsche was never gonna know about this since he left us behind"

*flashback ends*

"only till I was able to roam around free as an angel did I learn that Porsche was working for the mafia this entire time" tem scoffed

"He didn't mean to keep it from us" Chay softly spoke

"I know that now kid" tem took a deep breath and smiles "but now I'm happy Because I found the love of my life, my soulmate" he grins as he stood up and went to kiss Tankhun

"I'm happy too tem" Tankhun spoke, grabbing his hands then he clears his throat "I think I am about done filing all these paperwork, do you wanna come with me and chay to visit this time"

Tem stutter "uh I don't think I should"

"Please tem, let hia have his closure" Chay smiles sadly

Tem smiles and ruffles his hair "ok I'll go, but I will stay invisible until I am ready"

Tankhun and chay laughs "deal" Chay spoke

Then with a wave of a hand tankhun opens the portal "lets get going shall we" then he entered it with chay and tem following

The Undead SmileOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora