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Chay smiles at the stunned trio then he whispered "hi hia"

Macau looks back and fourth from ohm and chay furiously and puts his hands out "dude don't you see him he's like right beside you"

Ohm just sadly smiles "sometimes I feel like he's right next to me"

"He can't see me, the only one who can is the people who might have some unfinished business with me well that and soulmates but with soulmates we can see eachother glow a bit more while to everyone else we just look normal" chay explained casually as the trio still looks at him stunned

"Wait aren't you supposed to be the one to have unfinished business" Vegas ask confused while ohm looks at him confused "uh khun who are you talking to"

"You can go now" Vegas said

"Uhh ok, sorry phi Porsche" then ohm walks off

"I know its a lot right now but I swear I can tell you everything.... just not in public you know, you don't wanna seem crazy"

Macau blinks at him "i can't believe this.... my crush is a ghost!!" He exclaimed excitedly

"Hm what was that" chay said

"Oh nothing" Macau blushed

"BTW I prefer to be called an angel" chay smiles

"Yes but you're too young to be an angel" Porsche cried

"I know hia i know"

"And its all my fault, I should've just took you with me instead of trying to hide my job" he cries

"No hia, I was in danger no matter what, besides we thought the loan sharks were gone but none of us saw this coming" chay looks at Porsche with pity then came to a realization "hia! You're scared of ghost but not with me" he exclaimed

"Yea because you're my nong"

"Aww I could hug you if I can" chay gushes

"If I knew the last time I could hug you was the last time then I would of held you harder" Porsche tearfully smiles

"Nooo I just realized I can never touch you" Macau wails while vegas looks at his own nong like he was crazy

"Oh no I meant I wish I could hug you now but I didn't wanna make you look crazy since we are still in public" chay assured

"Yayyy I can still touch my crush, wait we can touch you is that possible" Macau asked curiously

Chay shrug "possible for angels really, like I said when I died I became an angel but I can't exactly cross yet since people have unfinished business with me"

"I'm guessing that is me" Porsche grimaced

Macau gasped "and I must be your soulmate if I can see you"

"Yea but how can he be seen by me and the rest of the family cau"

"I guess its because I might have unfinished business with the Theerapanyakun" chay shrugged

"Or i guess your soul landed with us because someone might feel guilty with you" Porsche said

"Yea but who" chay questioned

"You know what let's move all this back home, we still look crazy here" Vegas suggests

"Great!! Because I have sooo many questions" Macau said sticking by chays side

Chay laugh "I'll be happy to answer any questions you have"

"Wait is you being dead the reason you didn't eat last night" Porsche said

"Not really, I can't eat here in the human realm but in the angel realm I can" chay explained

"I have sooo many questions" Vegas said "but let's head home first" he said with everyone agreeing

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