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Tankhun smiles as another Theerapanyakun monthly family dinner night has Suprisenly gone well again

"And then p'kim said he will teach me how to play the piano" Macau excitedly said

Vegas looks at his nong confused "I didn't know you like playing the piano"

Macau shrugged "worth the try"

"Because he was to impress chayyy" kim teases

"Phi he's right there" Macau harshly whispered

Chay laughed "its ok, im flattered honestly"

Macau grins as he stuck his tongue out at kim

"Oh nong, is something wrong with your food, you haven't been eating it" Porsche asked chay  curiously

"Oh um, I don't like to eat directly infront of many people, that's why I eat in the classroom for lunch" he grinned

"Oh ok then"

"Oh before I forget, tomorrow is career day hia, can you come pleaseeeee" Macau pouted

"Career day, isn't that elementary kids thing" Vegas asked

"Well career fair but for a grade we can get our relative to stop by to talk about their jobs"

"Hmm fine but only so you can get that extra credit"

"What about you chay, do you want me to come" Porsche asked

Chay squinted his eyes "aren't you just a bodyguard"

"Uhh for your info im a mafia spouse thank  you very much but I can pretend like I'm still a bartender" he defended himself

Chay Hummed "that would be great but you don't have to come im sure you must be busy"

"Aw come on it will give us a chance to spend time together

Chay sadly smiles "yea it does but you don't have to come trust me"

"Nope I'm coming, im clearing my schedule"

"Fine but I'll walk to school" chay compromised

"Deal" Porsche nodded

As the two brothers were making a compromise, kim looks at tankhun worriedly "hia why are you not eating"

Tankhun blinks before quickly answering "I had a heavy lunch today nong, im good hm maybe later"

"Tankhun do you feel sick hia" kinn whispered

Tankhun shook his head "I'll be fine you two don't worry about me hm"

"Fine if you say so"

The next day, it was seen that chay had already left to school leading to an awkward car ride with Porsche, vegas and Macau

"Maybe we should've let pete come with us" Porsche jokes

Vegas shook his head "already asked him, said that it could be a way for us to get along"

"Shoot he's smart" Porsche quips

"Oh hia by the way whats your job gonna be"

"Simple, im just gonna say that I own a few casinos, no problems there" Vegas explained

"Ohh, and Porsche what about you" Macau ask

"Bartender like planned"

Then a loud rumble was heard

"Wow its pouring out there, I just wanted to stay inside" Vegas complained

"You're fine hia"

A few moments later the trio finally arrived at the campus and was looking for the career fair area but it was really weird for the trio as the school seems a bit gloomy

"I can't believe it's been over a year"
"He was so young"
"He didn't deserve this"

They heard a few whispers from a crowd of people in the canteen

Macau looks at them confusingly "I wonder whats happening"

"Cau, did anything happen this past year that made everyone this gloomy" Porsche questioned just as vegas went to check out what's happening in the middle of the crowds

"Well I heard that almost 2 years ago, a boy in my batch died due to some loan sharks or something" Macau said

Porsche eyes widen "wow thats messed up, why would those sharks take an innocent person life"

Macau shrugged "i Don't really know, all I know is that he was a really sweet person and everyone was very fond of him"

"I wonder if chay knows about this" Porsche said just as vegas came back from the crowds

"Hia are you alright" Macau asked concerned after seeing Vegas look very scared

"It all make sense now" was the only thing vegas could say

"What is it Vegas, what make sense" Porsche stressed

Vegas looks at Porsche sadly " the batchmate of macau's is -"

"Oh phi" a new voice was heard as the trio turned to find ohm walking by

"Oh ohm there you are, is chay in  classes also was he close with this person"

Ohm looks at him with pity and sighed "I know I said you didn't deserve to know but Porsche its chay"

Porsche blinks and gasps "wait what" he whispered

"No no no, chay's alive we just saw him last night" Macau said in disbelief

Vegas puts his hand on macau "cau, Porsche he's right, I saw chay's pictures that they used to put in his shrine

"I'm sorry" ohm whispered while putting his head down

The trio stared at him in disbelief and then their eyes widen when chay appeared out of thin air and stood right beside ohm

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