Chapter five: First impression

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*Slenderman's POV*

I know she wouldn't want me to be sleeping in the same bed as her but....I still wish to keep a close watch on her! So, I've been sitting in this tree for 12 hours.

"Hm? What's Sally doing up this early?" I watched Sally enter the room Violet was sleeping in

I hope she's not there to kill her. I haven't had my fun with her yet.

"Sally's crying..... Sally's on her lap...I wish Violet was on my lap."

Damn, I'm talking to myself again....I said I would stop that.

I watch closely as Sally leaves the room smiling. She's very cute.

Well she's met Sally. So one down six to go.

I jump out of the tree and walk towards the mansion, I easily open the two gigantic maple wood doors and walk straight to my second in command.



*Violet's POV*

I sat up hesitantly because the bed was just soooo comfortable!!! And PURPLE. Just as I was about to lay back down and lie to myself and say 'five more minutes' there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?!" I asked while going into attack mode just in case

"It's Jeff, now open the damn door!" He yelled through the door obviously frustrated

As I walked to the door I suddenly remembered where the name came from. Ohhhhhh yeah, the weirdo with the knife! I made sure to look him up after our first encounter.

I opened the door to come face to face with the mass murderer himself.

He looked at me annoyed. "Here!" He threw my Dora the Explorer backpack at me.

I'm not much of a sports girl that being said I knew I wasn't gonna catch it so I moved out of the way before it hit me.

"What was that for?!" I yelled at him

"Change and come downstairs, SM wants you to meet the family." He turned around and walked off, closing the door behind him

"Family? Oh does he mean Sally?" I talk to myself as I dump out all the clothes from my backpack

"Hmmmm. What to wear???."

I pick up my purple skirt that was long in the back but cut short in the front and my black long sleeve blouse.

I put my hair in a high pony tail.I walked to the full body mirror hanging on the door and check myself out.

"Ughhh. This is gonna have to do I suppose."

Walking out of my room I hear a crackling laugh coming from down the stairway at the end of the long hallway.

I take a deep breath, gathering up my courage. I walk down the hallway and make my way down the stairs. I looked straight ahead so I wouldn't have to face all of those eyes staring me down.

'Ok, ok. Vi just stay calm.'

I go down placing my foot on the next step but I end up slipping, losing my balance, and tumbling down the stairs. Um...did I mention I have like twenty more steps to go?!

"Ahhhhhh!!" I scream on instinct as I roll down the stairs

When I finally hit the floor I heard a crack. 'Oh damn'

I bite my lip trying to hold in a scream. But the agonizing pain was to much. I let out an ear piercing scream and let a waterfall of tears fall from my eyes.

'God dammit Vi, what a good first impression!' 

I lie there crying for at least ten minutes with a broken ankle.

'Why the flipping flying fuck aren't they helping me?!'

As if on cue I hear heavy footsteps walk my way, no..more like run.

"Violet, are you ok?!" Slenderman asked me, worry laced in his words

Now you have to understand, shit like that pisses me the fuck off. Why ask that stupid ass question?! Do I look ok?

"No, you piece of shit I am NOT ok?!"

He laughed awkwardly.

"Well, help me up dammit!"

As soon as I said that five tentacles sprung from his back and wrapped around me, gently lifting me up. As he did I heard another crack.

"Aghhhh! Please make it stop!" I begged

"Ok ok!" Slenderman sprinted up the stairs, went straight to my room and put me on the bed.

"Look...I'm gonna have to snap it back in place..." He looked at me with concern in his 'eyes'

"Hell no! Did you sell your fucking marbles?!"

He reached for my ankle but i sat up and slapped his hand away.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I yelled at him

He let out an irritated sigh.

A few minutes of awkward silence had passed. But he broke the silence by muttering

"I'm sorry."

"Huh? What are you sorry f-?!" My sentence was cut short when he stuffed my mouth with the tip of one of his tentacles.

"Mmhhhmu!" I thrashed around

"Babycakes, this is gonna hurt so I need you to bite down on that ok?"

Tears stream down my face once again as I watch his hands go for my ankle.

'Please stop!' I mentally begged him

With his left hand he grabbed my foot and with his right he grabbed just below my knee. With great force he raised my foot and pressed it down hard, snapping my ankle back in place.

I bit down on his tentacle as if my life depended on it. Causing Slenderman to scream in pain! I tasted blood in my mouth soon after. I instantly felt bad...why was I so damn stubborn??

After the pain finally dimmed down i loosened my hold on Slenderman's tentacle. He sat my foot down on the bed gently.

He leaned over to me and cupped my chin, opening my mouth slightly. He slid his bleeding tentacle out of your mouth. He leaned in closer, our noses touching slightly. My breath hitched as my cheeks turned crimson.

"W-what?" I stuttered

"Oh nothing, that just really hurt." He said a bit of humor in his voice

'He's up to something....'

I covered his 'face' with my hand

"Your a bit too close."

He sighed, walked away and left the room not even looking back

'Did I say something wrong?'


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Even if your saying you don't like it. Your opinions really matter to me so



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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