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Yn pov
It's all done , it's  done. everything , everything is out and now the truth is naked , and I am really scared at the moment because there are no  comments since last 3 mins .
the hate comments which is used to get and still started flashing in my mind
'such a slut'

'lazy dancer

'kim jennie of blackpink is a concert stripper'

' she should leave the group and let other members work happily'

' she should die'

' attention seeker'..

it's always been me other members can do anything and blinks and society will support them but when I do the these things I become a slut , stripper .

I can feel the pressure on my brain. it's just the horror,  horror of losing everything with took MY everything

I heard a ting sound form the computer in front of me
It's a comment

'Its ok we will support you all'

I was more then happy to see this but,

'I cant stand them anymore'

'You are so ugly sing yn 🤢🤮🤮🤮

"go and fuck someone else leave my kookie alone"

'Jungkook , taehyung,  jimin , hobi, and yoongi   wants them let's think practically and love them '

'We can't marry any of the bts member so let them be happy with whom they want to live with'


'Kim jennie 🖕'

'Guys stop the hate comments please '

'Let's support there option '

I looked at yg sir and bang pd nim and indicated them to stop
I was happy to see that some of the, atleast some of them thinks about us

I understand that there will be hate comments and good too and we should focus on the good part

But somewhere in my heart I felt bad but I just ignored it

Jungkook approached me

Jungkook: let's go *cold*

Me: yes , my girls take care and dont leave you house atleast for 2 days let them cool down otherwise you can be attacked

Jisoo: I understand

Lisa : hmm

Rose: take care too jennie

Me: yes , but form now we are just yn , akshaya , khushi or tanishka and kavya let's  drop the nicknames

We left the headquarters to meet a big crowd we both were covered by the bodyguards and went inside the car in hurry

I was just thinking. there were  only hate about me not jungkook am I the only one who is married to jungkook didn't jungkook married me ?

I dropped these question form my mind knowing I cant get the answer of these

I reached home
I changed into comfy clothes
Avoiding my phone and motherfucking social media I slept

After 2 good hours

I woke up I looked at my phone just to see tons of missed call form maama and papa I called them

And we talked and talked
After  30 mins  the call ended and I went in out of room just to see no one afterall aall the maids are dismissed forms week only 2 to 3 trusted maids will come  for cleaning

Mumma asked me to come to india but  I cant right now and the sunday plan with we had is a total flop

We canceled it , my brother and sister in laws more like my sister and brother now are going to Vietnam fo meet jungkook's bua , like yah it's the relationship of bua and nephew only right? Pari is back to india and yashi is currently with appa and eomma

I have told some people of mine to enroll her into the best college of interior designing in S.korea

I have to call and talk to her to right now

I called her

Me: hey sissy

Yashi: didi your alright ?

Me: yes yes what will happen to me ?

Yahsi: huh it's good to know about that

Me: anyways you got ur admission?

Yashi: yes yes

We talked about alot and them ended the call I was hungry and it was also 9 thirty so I made the dinner and ate it after which I called jk to eat and i went to my room used my phone for hours and slept

I am sorry for so short chapter and late update

I purple you 💜

I promise now the chapters are going  to be interesting

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