Part three : Truth

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Warning** ----- Domestic violence and self harm


It was ace who took me from there. My heart starting to race, I was having panic attacks. First time someone touched me disgustingly. One even made me drink alcohol. It was making me nauseating. But I just hoped whoever listened to my prayers, just help me from this situation. I am shocked that ace came as my savior. But I couldn't think properly. I was just shaking. My inner voice was screaming. My eyes became blur thinking what would have happened if ace didn't come in right time...

Bumping on a masculine but soft shoulder I noticed ace stopped in front of his bike. He was indicating me to ride on it. Without question or saying anything I did what he told me. But I never sat on a bike. I almost fell due to nonstop shaking.

A hand sneaked to her waist. Ace lifted her like she didn't weight much. Positioning her on the bike he whipped the tears on her face. He felt something in his heart, an urge to protect her. But soon blocked those feelings. He only thought she was just an ordinary innocent girl with miserable life that's why he is having sympathy on her nothing else. Pushing those things aside, he rode her to her house...

The air felt so warm. How it touched my hair and face. It felt like everything was running away and I was only stopping in a place, leaving everything thing behind.MY tears were dried long time ago. It was new for me. My hands were on his shoulder holding him tight frightening I might fell.

I was trying to give him my address but I think he already knew. He stopped in front of the house; it took only few minutes to reach here. But those minutes I wish it never stopped. He got down and stood in front me. I was just admiring his eyes, They were green, deep green like an ocean that can drown me anytime soon.He was always this beautiful up close... I was again staring and he knew that too..what I was  thinking, I gathered my voiceee and shattered

"I-I umm...thank you, if you weren't the--"

"Don't overthink much. It's your luck that I was present that time. I can't save you like this every time so learn how to run form problems and help people from wasting their time. Like you wasted mine"

My tears stopped long ago. I didn't hope I'll hear this from him but who are you kidding its Ace. It was my fault to love him and except some comfort from him.

"Look --"

Without listening anything from him she ran into the house and closed the door. Sliding down she cried hard. This was time she wanted to end her life forever. There's none for her in this life. So, dying wound bring fortune to others that's what she thought. She lived all these years thinking fate will change, this suffer will stop but day by day it was just growing. So, ending life was the only solution, wasn't it?

So, she went to her room and searched for a knife.

"I always had a knife with me.

Yes, found it. Its time to end the misery."

Taking a deep breathe she hold the knife in her hand tightly and slashed her forearm. Not too deep to cut her veiny. After several times she sliced her forearm. Blood was oozing out. Crimson color was everywhere. She was about to make a deep cut suddenly a slap made a way to her face.

"How dare you bring a man and insult me there. What do u think yourself Huh...?"


"Where is he. Were you whoring around Huh? Maybe that saving ass left you for not pleasuring him properly... Where the hell is he?"

"I don't know, he just dropped me here"


"Like mother like daughter. She ran away with a man and ended up with your father and look at u... A pure slut."

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