The crowd had started to snap in time with the music, and I found myself joining in without even realizing. This woman was so captivating at that moment that we were all hypnotized listeners.

"How long will you make me wait, fate?
Eclipses have come and gone, moons full and waned.
So now the colors have dripped from my dreams.
And I'm still falling apart at my technicolor seams.

But still I wonder...
If I was patient, would you have came?
You know I had the night pictured,
And I'd imagine love would linger.

It never came.
Because I couldn't... wait."

The last word seemed to almost echo through the crowd, and my heart thumped loudly over the sudden silence. Blood rushed in my ears from
how vividly her words resonated with me.

I'd been waiting, even if I won't admit it, for the perfect guy to drop out the sky and align with everything I wanted. That's what soulmates were supposed to be, right?

The exact pro to your con, the yin to your yang.

But throughout the years, loneliness had made me complacent. I'd stayed longer with men I shouldn't have, and I tolerated red flags for temporary satisfaction.

All of them managed to turn me on, but none really understood me or what I was fighting for. I doubt any of them had even tried.

And now, I'm sitting across from this painfully fine man without being able to enjoy it because of my own worries. I mean I had to practically force my pussy to stop purring at the thought of him in between my legs.

Still, I couldn't put my finger on Eli's special sauce. What made him so different from the men before?

Applause finally started to seep in through my mind's have.

"Thank you all, but let's get back to this music." Angel laughed warmly before turning to the band. "Y'all know 'Say Yes' by Floetry?"

Instead of answering, the man of the piano started the opening notes.

"Alright now, I guess y'all do know it. Is that alright?" Angel sang, mixing her own words in with the beginning lyrics.

Eventually, the crowd joined in to sing along after letting out whoops of encouragement.

"There is only one for me
You have made that possibility
We can take that step to see, hmm
If this is really gonna be
All you gotta do is say yes. Everybody join in!" Angel exclaimed, hitting each note perfectly.

Easily, we all joined in to create a harmony amongst the crowd to sing the chorus. Suddenly, people with nothing in common, but this night, were connected.

"What you know about this?" Eli asked.

"Boy, what do you mean? This was my jam back in college. Shit, it's even on my sex playlist."

"Sex playlist?" He questioned with a raised brow and fingers trailing across the table.

Have you ever just watched someone move and hope—no, pray—that they'd touch you?

"What can I say? I like to set the mood."

"Mmhm, come here then." Eli said, easily pulling my chair into his side.

Immediately, I was hit with is mahogany, almost spiced scent. Warmth radiated off of him and if he wrapped his arms around me, I'd be completely cocooned by him.

I didn't even have time to react before he was whispering lyrics into my ear, and every so often, his bottom lip would touch the shell of my ear. It was difficult controlling the shivers, but, fuck he was good.

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