CHAPTER 94: It's Been A Month

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She looks so peaceful sleeping; they both do as they lay side by side in lab beds with matching IVs.

Now that Preston and Harrison have explained what is going on with Ever and the root cause of Adrienne passing out in my arms, I feel slightly better. Ever's medicine should kick in soon enough and she should feel better; Adrienne just needs rest, she seems to do better when she's around Ever.

"They are in safe hands. We will keep watch over them. You should probably go," Preston says.

"I should but I won't," I respond.

"If Ari wakes up and sees you in here she is going to become livid," Preston says.

"Great, so you're going to get in a fight with Ari and wake Ever. How do you think that's going to work out for you?" Harrison asks.

Definitely not in my favor.

"Not well," I respond.

"Liam we will take care of them and send you a daily report on how they are doing, if that will make you feel better," Preston says.

"I feel better being here with them. I feel like if I leave threw those doors, I will lose them," I humbly say, "I love them too much to let them go."

"You won't lose them. I mean, I think eventually Ever will forgive you and I think Adrienne will too after she kicks your tail," Harrison says, "Can I ask you a question?"


"Why did you do it?"

"I wanted to hurt her as much as I thought she hurt me. I thought she was a spy Chevalier. I let anger rise above my feelings. I let her down. I let Adrienne down. I let everyone down. I'm sorry. Can you guys forgive me?"

"Liam you don't need our forgiveness," Preston says.

"Yeap, as long as it doesn't affect my relationship," Harrison says jokingly.

I roll my eyes at Harrison and respond to Preston, "I need your forgiveness because we're family and I want to stay a family. I don't want to lose any of you to Lovely," I say.

"You're not going to lose any of us. You're just going to fight to win the ladies over and that's going to be tough. I would suggest you lay low for a while and give them some time," Preston says.

"I can't do that. I'm drawn to them, I cannot be away from them."

"Liam, listen to Preston. We'll help you keep an eye out for them," Harrison says.

As soon as he finishes Ever machine beeps, letting us know that she will soon wake.

"Liam, I suggest you leave," Preston says.

"I'm not leaving," I demand.

"At least get out of eyesight, go to one of the meeting rooms, and take one of the docks with you," he sternly says.

"Fine," I say and leave.

I turn on the device and immediately noticed that Preston and Harrison are standing back which I appreciate.

Ever slowly looks around the room before she notices Adrienne on the bed. She begins to panic and Preston holds his hand up.

"I'm going to leave to give her some space," Harrison quickly says

Preston nods in agreement and watches as Harrison leaves.

"It is okay, she fainted. We getting fluids in her system and she will be fine," he gently says to Ever as if she's a child.

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