CHAPTER 93: His Truth

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*Trigger warning*

Stunning amber-green eyes, full of confusion and fear, stare back at me. She quickly looks over my shoulders at those surrounding us and back at me.

"It's okay baby. We're just making sure you are okay," I say and grab her hand, slightly squeezing it, "Are you okay?" I ask.

She continues to look over and past me. Her hand begins to shake, followed by her arm. Soon enough I notice her entire body shaking. I motion for everyone to step back and they do so, ever so slightly.

"Ever, would you like to rest in the lab?" Preston quietly asks.

I didn't notice him approaching us.

Her shaking increases and she squeezes my hand tighter.

"Let's try to have you stand, okay," Preston says, "I think we should check you out."

She looks at me as if she needs to get permission from me. I smile at her, so thrilled she is back, and nod my head in agreement.

She slightly nods. She attempts to sit up but falls back to the floor and closes her eyes.

"Ever, it's okay," I say as I put my hand on her cheek.

Her hand enclosed in mine goes limp followed by her arm.

"Ever, Ever," I call while shaking her cheek, "Ever!"

"Ever," I hear Ava call and she kneels on the floor next to her, directly across from me.

She shakes her shoulder and we watch as Ever's unconscious body moves.

I tap her cheek, "Ever, wake up baby," I say in a panic.

"Ari, we should get her to the lab," Preston says, "I'll carry her," he says as he moves to lift her.

"No," I respond and shove him.

Being touched by men isn't in her best interest at the moment.

I quickly gather her in my arms and stand with her. Everyone's faces look full of concern, especially him.

While he stands and stares, he looks completely on edge and full of worry. He looks, no he definitely wants to approach us. He glances at me in my eyes and I know he sees nothing but the changes in their color as I'm growing angrier with each second I waste looking at him,

I'm going to kill him, but now isn't the time for that. Ever is my only priority right now.

"Come," Preston says as he places his hand on my shoulders, "let's get her to the lab."

I turn away from Liam and nod in agreement. Suddenly Michael appears directly in front of me.

"Let me help," he says, "You know I can get you guys there quickly. I won't touch her," he says.

I simply nod and he motions for Preston and Harrison to come closer.


As I stare out of the glass window toward the medical station, I notice Harrison busy working away while speaking to someone while Preston works behind me with an unconscious Ever. Soon enough the sound of the machine beeping fills the room

Turning toward, Ever she looks peacefully sleeping.

I'm hoping this isn't a glimpse and she is actually here to stay. I don't think I can deal with any more glimpses of her, I need her.

I turn back toward the medical station and lean my forehead against the glass.

It was too much, she may have been overwhelmed with practically everyone crowding her; I should have immediately taken her away. I should have protected her. Protected her, who am I kidding? I didn't protect her when Liam hurt her nor did I see the truth. She was literally crying out for help and here I was thinking that she was torn between losing Nicholas and missing Liam; maybe she was but him hurting her was too much for her to deal with and as a result, she let Jinx Spade out. Jinx Spade, someone who tried to warn me on multiple occasions, yet she didn't outright tell me. Would I believe her if she had done so? Of course not, I'm so foolish.

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