Chapter 1

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A/N: Almost all parts are written solely on a phone and published without editing, typos will occur, feel free to comment and let me know if there is anything major that needs to be fixed- thanks. Also! I do update pretty close to daily, sometimes more often. The exception being the weekends, if I'm busy I won't post. Please leave a comment if you're enjoying the story, or even if you're not. let me know!

The experiment was a success. I woke up disoriented. The machines were too loud, the smells overwhelming. My eyesight however had drastically become worse in terms of colour, but sharper over all. Only being able to see in yellows and browns, some blues. I blinked, trying to lift my hands to my face to scrub my eyes. The IV in my arm stopped me from moving too far, which dragged my focus to my hands. My claws. I turn my hands over looking at my hands that resemble half wolfmans claws out of a werewolf movie. Elongated, clawed hands. Pads on the palm of my hand. Fur running along my arm, thicker around my hands and forearms, thinning out as it moves up my arms. My mostly human arms. The elbows now joined at odd angles, as did my shoulders. I frowned, wondering what was up with my weird joints. 

Ignoring my joints for the moment, I proceed to reach up and rub my eyes, the rough surface of the pads scratching into my soft lids. My hands move across my face pausing as I feel my new elongated snout. Not as long as a dogs snout, but definitely pronounced and dog like. My fingers run over my sensitive nose, sterile scents mixing with a vaguely wolf like scent as I pick up on my DNA changes. My hands slide up my face to the top of my head. Fingers find a pair of large ears nestled in amongst my hair, twitching at every sound. My fingers slide down to find that I no longer have any human ears. Interesting. 

Some machine must have alerted the scientists that I was awake as one of them came bustling in, covered head to toe hiding their scent and pheromones from my sensitive nose. He, obviously a he from what I could see through the faceplate, lifted some water to my parched throat and I drank it gratefully. He nodded, happy and started taking notes from the machinery. 

"Can you tell me your name?" He asked gently. I have to think about his question for a moment. It had been sometime since I'd been concious. 

"Cerianis Griffin. Formerly Lieutenant of the 46th Squadron." I respond, shocking myself at the deep bassy growl that emanates from my throat instead of my voice I had as a pure human. The scientist just nods, pleased I remembered basic information. 

"Your surgeries were a success, it has been just a little under two months since you went in for the first surgery. You are now a verified War Dog. As we agreed upon in your contract at the beginning of this experiment, because of your size and being a female, we used wolf DNA to help with your transformation as opposed to the standard German or Malinoise shepperd DNA we would have used with a typical male soldier. We are all very excited to see how the wolf DNA works."

The scientist turns back around, revealing his name tag I hadn't seen before. 'Ben.' "Thank you, Ben," I attempt to murmer, but the sound coming out as a soft growling instead. Again, the sound threw me, not used to such a deep growling sound reverberating through my chest. He nods with a soft smile, understanding etched into his expression. "Get some rest, Ceri." He says simply before retreating.

I lay back in the bed, and suddenly feel something uncomfortable behind me. Shifting my hips up, I reach behind to find a long fluffy thing stuck under me. Trying to pull it away only results in me groaning in pain as it yanks at my tailbone. Realisation slowly dawns on me as I run my hand up and along... and yep. I had a tail. Wincing as I rubbed at the base where I had tried to yank it, I turn onto my side to take the pressure off of the spot. I slowly drifted off as fatigue and exhaustion pulled at me, encouraging my eyelids to droop steadily until dreams were carrying me along in soothing far off lands.

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