The seed of revenge

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In the heart of the grand palace of Neglancia, young Prince Negarice found himself in the midst of a game of hide and seek with his father, King Aldric. Their laughter echoed through the ornate chambers, filling the air with joy. Queen Elara watched from a velvet-upholstered chair, a smile gracing her lips as she observed the pure happiness that enveloped her family.

The bond between the king and his son was evident to anyone who saw them. They were not just royalty, but a loving family, bound by an immense and genuine love. The game continued until the golden sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow over the palace. The servants lit the grand chandeliers, their crystal facets catching the light and casting a shimmering dance across the walls.

As the shadows grew longer, Queen Elara finally called out, "Come out, Negarice, it's time for dinner." Her voice carried the command, and the young prince emerged from behind the heavy velvet curtains, his eyes twinkling with excitement. With a big grin, he scampered towards his mother, eager to enjoy a hearty meal.

The royal dining hall was a sight to behold, a long table adorned with the finest silverware, crystal goblets, and platters of succulent dishes. The family shared stories and laughter as they savored a feast fit for kings, accompanied by the soft melody of the palace's musicians.

After a delightful dinner, it was time for Negarice to go to sleep. His parents tucked him into bed, and as they kissed him goodnight, the prince felt their immense love enveloping him. It was a picture of contentment and bliss, one that he wished would last forever.

However, such moments of happiness are often fleeting. A few months later, in the dead of night, Negarice awoke to the sound of chaos and hurried footsteps echoing through the palace. He rose from his bed, fear gnawing at his heart, and made his way to his parents' chambers.

There, he found King Aldric hastily donning his armor and securing his sword. A mix of nervousness and fear tainted Negarice's voice as he asked, "Where are you going, Dad, in the middle of the night with all this armor?"

The king knelt down, his eyes filled with a mix of love and trepidation as he held his son's small hands. "I'm going to protect our people, son. Something urgent has come up, but don't worry, Daddy will be alright and will return as soon as possible." Despite his words, a trace of unease lingered on the king's face as he prepared to depart.

Before leaving, King Aldric ordered the palace guards to ensure the safety of Queen Elara and Prince Negarice. He instructed them that if the enemy troops reached the palace, they must do everything in their power to protect his family. It was a heavy-hearted farewell. As the king looked at his son one last time, a smile concealed a world of emotions.

Hours passed, and the ominous sounds of enemy troops reached the palace. The guards rushed to protect Queen Elara and Prince Negarice. A fierce struggle ensued, but in the chaos, the queen's life was tragically cut short. Gasping for breath, she managed to utter her final wish, entrusting Negarice to the guards, "Take Negarice to Master Erwik. Tell him to take care of our son."

As the guards fled the palace with the prince, the seeds of revenge took root in Negarice's young heart. His childhood innocence had been stolen by the cruelty of that night, and he felt himself drowning in a pond of sadness and grief. But from that grief emerged a resolve to avenge the loss of his parents, and his journey towards that purpose had only just begun. After a perilous journey, the palace guards successfully reached Master Erwik's secluded abode. They explained to him the whole harrowing scenario of the war, the death of the former king and queen, and their final wish for him to care for Prince Negarice.

Master Erwik was a remarkable figure, known throughout the kingdom not only for his formidable combat skills but also for his mastery of sorcery. He was no stranger to the battlefield, having once been the general of Neglancia's army. However, he had stepped away from that position years ago due to personal reasons that remained a mystery to all. Erwik was also renowned as one of the kingdom's superior sorcerers. His fascination with spiritual intuition and the manipulation of mana powers had begun during his teenage years, and he was among the few who had perfected the art of mana control to its finest.

Upon hearing the guards' account, Erwik nodded solemnly and assured them that he would take on the responsibility of Prince Negarice. "Leave now," he instructed, "I will raise the prince as my own and ensure that he grows into a fine young man."

Erwik was well aware that King Aldric had entrusted his son to him for a reason. It was not just about protecting Negarice but also about preparing him to ascend the throne. The former king's desire was clear – to see his son emerge as a great and wise ruler for the kingdom of Neglancia.

With the guards' departure, the weight of this new responsibility rested squarely on Master Erwik's capable shoulders. As he gazed at the young prince, who had been thrust into his care, he knew that the journey ahead was not only about teaching him the ways of combat and sorcery but also about helping him find his path through grief, loss, and the ever-growing desire for revenge that gnawed at the boy's heart.

Erwik understood that he had a challenging but vital role to play in shaping the destiny of Negarice, the future of Neglancia, and in helping the young prince navigate the treacherous waters of leadership and personal growth.

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