something like care

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Sylvie gestured to the two of you to follow her. "We go around" she says.
Loki grabs your hand quickly and begins following her, clutching onto you as if he was worried he'd loose you if he let go. You didn't question it.

You begin running, the whole crowd stopping which makes the three of you stop too. You look up when you hear a faint cracking noise, the planet above suddenly splitting in two. More meteors fall down, one landing right beside you, making the crowd begin screaming once again.

You reacted quickly, pulling Loki along to get the two of them to start running. As you do, a Meteor lands directly in front of you, sending you flying back. Your ears begin ringing as the smoke in your eyes caused you to wince. You slowly rise up, jumping when you feel a pair of hands pull you up.

"Are you ok?!" You hear the voice. Your vision slowly comes back, seeing a worried Loki looking directly into your eyes.
"All good" you smile. He looked up at your head, his thumb gently running over the cut that had formed its way there.

"It doesn't matter" you shake your head, grabbing his hand again and running to catch up with Sylvie.
"You ok?" Sylvie asks you once you reach her. You just lift your thumbs up and nod in response.

Sylvie is suddenly pulled back, a guard gripping her cape but she simply takes it off and lands a kick into his abdomen.
Guards swarm the room quickly. You tackle one to the floor, looking up and blasting another as it ran towards Loki. You get out your sword, stabbing the one beneath before feeling Sylvie pull you up.

"Just go!" She yells. You follow her, Loki beside you as he quickly pulls you out the way of another meteor.
"Thanks!" You yell. He nods.
"Over here!" Sylvie yells, the two of you running after her and ducking down for shelter to take a quick breath.

Your heart was beating fast, the blood from your head oozing down quicker but you were able to easily ignore it. No way were you ruining your chance to survive over your head.

"We can still make it" you yell, taking Loki's arm and dragging him along with Sylvie following.
You hear a loud rumble, looking up in horror as buildings began collapsing.
"Run!" Sylvie screams, making the three of you turn another way to avoid being hit.

As another one falls, Loki quickly turns around.
"I've got it!" He yells, using telekinesis to send the building another way.
As you keep running, guards grab you by the hair but you quickly turn and slash one with your sword.

As a mini fight breaks out, you wrap your arm around ones neck and threaten the other guards.
"Let us go or I'll kill him!" You yell, the guards quickly upping their hands in surrender.

You smirk, blasting the one in your arms away and running towards the Ark. You were almost there. You saw it directly in front of you.. and...
A meteor broke its way through, sending the Ark crumbling down in front of you.

You felt your knees buckle in defeat, falling to the floor as you watched your last hope completely collapse in front of you.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, turning to see Loki giving you a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry" he apologises, confusing you.
"What? Why are you sorry?" You ask, turning to him. His hand finds its way back to your head, wiping the blood from your face.

"I sent us here" he frowns. "I got drunk, I broke the TemPad, I-"
"You sent us here to save us all from being pruned, got drunk with me to relax yourself and got thrown off a train by two guards while fighting them which is why the TemPad broke. You saved us both multiple times on the way here, Loki, you can't seriously believe this is your fault" you say.

He gives you a sad smile, going to stand but you quickly pull him back down, cupping his face.
"Loki, you know for a fact I wouldn't lie to you" you say, looking into his bright blue eyes. He nods.
"I know."


You and Loki walked side by side, seeing Sylvie sitting alone on a rock. She was just waiting.
"Lets just sit down and apologise and try to die on her good terms" you whisper to Loki, who nods in agreement.

The two of you walk over cautiously, no longer worrying about the meteors falling around you or the slight rumbles on the planet.
You sit down next to Loki, who sits beside Sylvie.
"I'm sorry" he says honestly. Sylvie just nods.

"I remember Asgard," she begins. "Not much. But I remember. My home, my people, my life. The universe wants to break free, so it manifests chaos. Like me being born the Goddess of Mischief. As soon as that created a big enough detour from the Sacred Timeline, the TVA showed up, erased my reality, and took me prisoner. I was just a child."

Her voice broke slightly at the end. You and Loki remained silent, letting Sylvie talk.
"I escaped. Stole a TemPad and ran for a long, long time, which really sucked. Everywhere and every-when I went, it caused a nexus event. Sent up a smoke flare. Because I'm not supposed to exist. Until, eventually, I figured out where to hide. So that's where I grew up. The ends of a thousand worlds. Now, that's where I'll die."

The three of you looked over, the planet edging closer and closer to the planet you breathed on currently.
"Not long now" you say, allowing your hands to shake slightly as parts of the planet starts crashing into Lamentis.

"Do you think what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that we're destined to loose?" Sylvie asks Loki, who shakes his head.
"No. We may loose, sometimes painfully. But we don't die. We survive" he says. "I mean, you did. You were just a child when the TVA took you, but you nearly took down the organisation that claims to govern the order of time. You did it on your own. You ran rings around them. You're amazing!"

"I'm not doing this" you say, standing and taking your sword out. "I'm not sitting on that stupid rock and waiting to die!"
"How are we going to get off?" Sylvie asks you.
"We can't get off!" You yell. "But I'm not dying by a planet crashing into me. I'm taking back one last choice in my life."

"What?!" You hear Loki's voice as you begin walking, being grabbed by him and spun around. "Y/N, what are you doing?!" He asks you.
"Killing myself the way I want to be killed. Quick and easy" you respond, holding the sword to your chest.

Loki's face drops as he quickly takes the sword from you, easily, backing away as you angrily try to get it back.
"Do not play with me right now, Laufeyson. gi den tilbake!" (Give it back!)
"Darling, listen to me-"

"We're dead anyway, Loki!" You yell, sighing when you see him conjure your sword away. You scream an agonising scream, a scream of frustration, anger, helplessness. Loki quickly wraps his arms around you, lowering you both to the floor as the planet crashes into Lamentis.

"Stop it" he says calmly, sighing as you slowly stop struggling against him.
Being in his arms was oddly calming. The sound of his voice, a sound of worry and hurt yet also care. If you were going to die, you were glad now that it was like this. A feeling of safety.

Suddenly, you hear a small noise and turn to see an orange TVA door open in front of the three of you.
Mobius steps out, seeing the display in front of him as Sylvie backs away.
"Found them" he smiles, walking towards you as you quickly stand.

"Don't try to fight it" Mobius says, looking with pity at the pair of you. "You'll die if you stay here."

A/N - I don't know if I like this chapter but I've started writing the season 1 finale out and then I'm going to start on season 2!!

Hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for reading.
Bye <3

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon