CH. 4 - A Night At The Castle

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Jane Was quite surprised at what Daniela offered finding the offer very suspicious. To be honest She didn't really want to go back to that mysterious castle.. Would The Lady Dimitrescu even allow it?

"Uhh Miss Daniela i might have to decline your offer, i don't think your sisters or The mistress likes me-" Dani felt a little bit disappointed at Jane's answer trying her best to convince her.

"Come on! It will be fun, I like your style- We could watch movies my uncle gave me, Oh- we can read in the library.." Dani thought for a second rubbing her imaginary beard. "Don't worry I'll convince my mother to let you stay.

Dani looked around the village houses nearby seeing people giving her dirty and terrified looks, not even bothered by it anymore." So.. Which house is yours Jane?" She asked with curiosity.

"Oh- my house is just down the road it won't be hard to miss, since it has a broken down motorcycle next to it." She explained pointing towards her house not to far from where they were standing. With a swift movement Dani grabbed her hand dragging her towards her house giggling like a child.

Dani didn't even bother stopping full of energy bursting through the doors of Jane's house. The loud sound of the door made Leah Jump throwing her shoe towards the two woman. Dani dodged it with ease, but when dani moved the shoe hit Jane on the head with a perfect head shot.

"OW! SON OF A- HMPH-" Jane yelled out grabbing her head and kneeling down on the wooden floor groaning to herself. She could hear both her sister and Daniela trying to hold their laughs in which did piss her off slightly.

"First of all I'm so sorry Jae, i thought you were an intruder by the way you bursted in here-" Leah tried to explain before her eyes laid on Daniela behind Jane. "uhhh who is she-? Is that blood-?!"

"Yes is that a problem?" Dani confessed with no hesitation or Remorse what so ever while the other two woman stare blankly at the red head. "What? I'm honest at least- but anyway that's not why we're here Jane go pack your bag! Im so excited!"

"Excuse me? Pack her bag? Jae what's the meaning of this? Where are you going?" Leah was very puzzled and lost at what's going on. "Apparently I'm staying at the castle for a night-" She rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment, because she didn't even really expect this either.

Leah was about to say something bad about the castle, but decided to keep it to herself. Only because Daniela was standing right there and of course she didn't want to lose her head to her. "What should i tell Dad and yuri about this? I can't just say you left-"

"Tell them i- uhhh went to a friends house, like uhhm.. Lady Luiza's Place maybe?" Jane suggested not really wanting to worry her brother her father since she knew how much they didn't trust that castle.

Leah thought for a moment before signing and face palming her forehead." Jae you owe me big time, pack and go before Father comes back." Daniela started jumping up and down in a corner getting more excited as she swarmed around the house.

Jane and Leah just stared off at the Swarm in silence. "Well uhhh now i know why everyone fears the Dimitrescu's- Good luck Jae-" Leah nudged her sisters shoulder playfully. "Yeah heh.. I'm probably gonna die there-"

{You Set My Dead Heart A Blaze} - Cassandra Dimitrescu x OCWhere stories live. Discover now