He shrugged.


She rolled her eyes.

"And is there something you want?"


She sighed and tried to focus on the book, but his hand kept accidentally brushing her neck, sending tingles down her spine and making her face heat just a little bit.

After a few minutes of failure, Delilah admitted defeat and put the bookmark in the book as she closed it. She wouldn't be able to focus like this.

"Let's take a break."

Draco's face lit up and he said, "Great idea."

Honestly sometimes he was exactly like a puppy.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Let's go to the waterfall."

Delilah perked up. So far they hadn't been able to go back, at least not for extended periods of time. Then she slouched. They probably shouldn't leave the house quite yet. She doubted Voldemort would need them, but just in case she didn't want Narcissa to have to go on a scavenger hunt to find them.

"We probably shouldn't, just in case they need us."

"I doubt they will," Draco pointed out.

"Still, I'd rather not have your mother have to go on a scavenger hunt to find us."

"Fair point. I'd rather live to see the morning. What about the Observatory?"

"Like the Astronomy tower?"

"Yep, except better."

Delilah raised an eyebrow as she followed him out of the library.

"It's a bit out of the way," Draco admitted. "But she'll be able to find us if we're needed."

Delilah nodded. It probably wasn't the best idea, but now she was curious. The Malfoy's seemed to take normal rooms and make them extraordinary. It would be interesting to see what they did with the Observatory.

Sure enough after the trek to the fancy attic Draco opened the door and yet again Delilah gasped.

The ceiling of the dark circular room looked like glass, except it was enchanted to mirror the night sky. It probably was removable so the sky could be viewed better with the telescope across the room that looked like the one at Hogwarts.

She took a step into the room and was surprised to feel the ground squish under her. Glancing down she saw that it was cushioned. She looked across the room and saw that there was a huge stack of folded blankets. There also was a very comfortable looking couch pushed against the wall. It didn't look like it had been used very much.

"Wow, this is amazing."

He smiled.

"I'm glad you like it. It's one of my favorite places to hide during parties."

"It's very calming. Can the ceiling be removed?"

Draco stared, confused.

"No? How would we do that? No. You just need to say, Ostende." As he said it, the ceiling turned clear, showing the cloudy dark sky. Continuing he added, "Usually if it's cloudy like tonight we keep it as the reflection since it blocks out clouds."

"Wow, that's cool, how do you get it back to the reflected version?"


The clouds disappeared and the stars' light magnified, but other than that there was no difference.

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