Chapter 15

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Over the next few days Norbert had been sent to Romania and though Harry and Ronald were mad that Delilah had told Dumbledore, she had done what she thought best, so despite the looks she got from most of the Gryffindors, she acted normally as possible.

The next day she noticed that Ronald, Harry, and Hermione seemed to be scheming.

Delilah walked over to them. "What are you guys doing?"

Ronald glared at her, "Nothing, slither back over to your friends."

"Shouldn't you be in the Hospital Wing for your hand?" Earlier the day before Ronald had been bitten by Norbert and his hand had swollen to twice its usual size.

"You should go," agreed Hermione and Ron left to head to the Hospital Wing.

"So is there anything I need to know?" Delilah asked again.

"No, so don't worry. You'll be late for your first class," Harry said coldly. Delilah rolled her eyes.

"We both have potions, we can walk there together."

They walked in silence and Delilah sighed in frustration. She hated being left out, but knew she would have to get used to it. She left them and headed to a table across the room by Daphne and Pansy.

If she had known what they were planning on doing, she wouldn't have left.

Harry's POV

Harry and Hermione sat, quietly planning what they were going to do that night.

"We need to see if it actually is Snape, because Delilah had a fair point. I think we should make sure that he is out of his office tonight, Fred and George can do that, and then we can take the invisibility cloak and search his office. It should work, we can deal with the date today when we talk with Ron," explained Hermione.

Neither of them noticed Draco sitting behind them, smirking.

That night after Harry and Hermione had enlisted Fred and George's help, they snuck out of bed in the invisibility cloak and snuck over to Snape's office.

Every shadow looked like Mrs. Norris and every creak sounded like Filch, but they safely made it to Snape's office.

They quickly took off the invisibility cloak so they could search easier.

Harry was grossed out. There was slimy stuff in jars on shelves all over the room with other strange potion ingredients.

After a few minutes Hermione finally found something interesting. There was a letter from Snape to Lucius Malfoy who must be Malfoy's father.

Hermione beckoned Harry over and showed him the letter. It read:

Dear Lucius,

Everything is going fine, despite having to deal with idiotic pupils.

You are no doubt wondering about the plan. It is going well, Draco has befriended Delilah as you wished. They get along very well.

I do have doubts though.

And that was the end of the letter, an odd stop and then Hermione turned over the card, there was more. That made much more sense.

Draco actually likes Delilah, a bit too much. They are almost always together, laughing and having a good time. I fear that they will start to fall for each other.

For this reason I think that we should stop the plan. They are already good friends and there is no reason to destroy that.

Also I fret that something will happen to them if you do stage two.

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