Chapter 7

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The next morning Delilah met up with Daphne and they headed up to breakfast together.

"So... I know we said we'd talk about boy problems later but... is it ok if we talk about them now?" Delilah asked.

Daphne smiled.

"Of course, shoot."

"Ok, so Draco has been a prat. He didn't write all summer, which is understandable but he should have at least warned me, and then he skipped all the prefect duties so it took me twice as long. But I don't know how to ask him why without sounding like an attention seeking idiot. And to top it all off, something seems off about him, but I can't place what it is."

Daphne nodded, deep in thought.

"Well... you could ask what he was doing over summer and see if he remembers, and if not just straight up ask why he didn't. You definitely need to talk to him about it though. If you ignore it, it will only cause more problems."

Delilah sighed. Deep down she had known that's what she needed to do. Still, it was reassuring to be told that her instincts were right.

"Alright, thank you. Anyway... do you know what classes you want to take?"

"Well, I know some of them. I think I want to be a historian. Not like those boring people that read through books all day, but to go to sites and see if I can find more things about history. So I'll have to do History of Magic, same with Study of Ancient Runes. Then I was thinking of doing Charms and Transfiguration since they are helpful subjects."

"Ooo, being an archaeologist would be fun."

"A what?"

Delilah laughed. Sometimes she forgot how little her friends knew about the Muggle world.

"Basically it's where you search and dig in ancient sites looking for artifacts and pieces of history. I think it might just be a Muggle thing."

Daphne's eyes widened.

"Oh, so kind of like Curse Breakers?"


They sat down and started eating.

When Delilah was done, she sat, waiting for Snape to come down.

This year class schedules were more complicated. Snape needed to confirm that they had gotten the necessary O.W.L. grades to continue with their chosen N.E.W.T.s.

It was odd, for the first time in five years, the class groups would be different. It would be so strange, but people would actually know what they were doing.

When Snape finally came down, it took a while for him to get through the list. To start it off, Crabbe, and then Goyle, took a while. Daphne was next. She got cleared for her subjects and hurried off to Study of Ancient Runes.

Delilah waited longer as Draco got his schedule cleared and then it was finally her turn.

"What classes?" Snape drawled.

"Alchemy, Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Snape nodded, wrote some things down, then handed Delilah her schedule.

She hadn't been sure if she would take Defense Against the Dark Arts, but it seemed like a good idea to be prepared against Death Eaters. Speaking of which, maybe Flitwick could restart the Dueling Club, since he had been a dueling champion. She'd have to ask him about it later.

She had Alchemy first. Would Snape still be teaching it? Dumbdoor — sorry, Dumbledore — hadn't mentioned anything about it, so he probably was.

When she got down to the dungeon, she was surprised to see that the class size had been cut in half. Now there was only her, Draco, Hufflepuff Hannah Abbott, and Ravenclaw Anthony Goldstein.

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