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After the meeting was finally over an everyone was leaving the conferenceroom

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After the meeting was finally over an everyone was leaving the conference

Once the room was cleared I noticed that the guy from earlier was still in the room

Found out he was Infact the boss by the way ......Mr Forbes to be exact

Focusing on getting my things together while trying my best not to look at him but getting a glance here and there with out him noticing

....right when I was about to get up he...Mr Forbes came over

He had ask for me to join him in his office which I agree to since he is pretty much my boss

He walked to the door and waited for me to exit before him which give him a small Thank you while going true the door and waiting for him to go infront so I could follow him to his office

Strolling behind him like a toddler I took the time to take in his features an he was very chiseled....I must say

Reaching his office I slightly stepped back to the side allowing him to open the door freely since in order to open the door you needed a pass code and a ID

Of which I haven't received as yet so I waited till he open the door

Allowing me to go in again I slightly walked pass him into the room which a small Thank you behind it

As I entered the AC lit room which has a way of tingling the hair on the back of my neck

I'm one who judges off character, mood an choices and with how the office was decorated I could tell a lot about him

One is that he stays to him self out side of his circle, he's quite, and his personality is kinda dark judging by the colour scheme of his office

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One is that he stays to him self out side of his circle, he's quite, and his personality is kinda dark judging by the colour scheme of his office

Going around to his desk and resting his briefcase on the desk

Taking off his jacket and resting it on the chair he finally stop what he was doing and look at me

"Good morning.....again" he said

"I'm Mr Forbes, Davion Forbes to be exact and I'm the CEO and you must be Miss, Wright" he said while looking down a file on the desk

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