I quickly came up upon the dingy warehouse, it's metal walls and dirty windows blocking out any hope of seeing inside or out. I didn't even stop running. I just tucked my chin, put up my arms to protect my face, and rammed straight through the top window. It easily shattered and peppered the floor inside the building with glass shards, but my skin was completely unfazed.

     This warehouse was quite a bit bigger on the inside, or it certainly seemed that way at least. Looking beneath me while in midair, I noticed three men walking below. If you could really even call what they were doing "walking" at all. It was more like an agonizingly slow stumble as they dragged their lagging lethargic bodies around.

     I landed on the roof supports; giant steel joists that crisscrossed across the ceiling. Taking a second to gather my thoughts, I looked down again. Even from up here I could still smell them. The men smelled absolutely horrendous, confirming that this building was definitely the source of the rancid stench. The distressed panic that I heard earlier was also beckoning to me louder than it had before.

     Looking down and taking aim, I jumped from the ceiling joists and plummeted towards the slow rancid men. It was odd, they seemed to not actually realize that I was there and could only let out pained groans as they moved. I landed on one; the momentum crushing him entirely as the raw force of my leap cratered the ground beneath be, splattering the other two men and splattering blood, bone, and brain matter all over the place around me.

     Their bodies were so fragile that they looked barely even held together, like squishy rotten fruit that had long since gone out of date. Another shocked scream echoed through the warehouse as I looked ahead of me. I saw more of the slow lethargic men gathering around a single point like sick animals around food.

     Lunging forward; I ripped through one's back with my bare hand, it's heart destroyed by the force. Throwing the body into into two others as they splattered against the wall; I then punched one in the head which splattered it like a rotten watermelon as the body fell over. Reacting too fast for them; I kicked one which in-turn had enough force to send three more of them flying back, where they struck an empty shipping crate with a loud splat!

I looked down to see what the rotting men had congregated around before I killed them and was immediately taken aback when I saw a cute girl!

     I looked down to see what the rotting men had congregated around before I killed them and was immediately taken aback when I saw a cute girl!

Hoppsan! Denna bild följer inte våra riktliner för innehåll. Försök att ta bort den eller ladda upp en annan bild för att fortsätta.

The girl looked rather downtrodden, her wrinkled clothes ripped and cute blonde hair very messy and unkempt. She had a very exhausted look in her left bronze eye; the right one being behind an eyepatch, assuming she had one. She wore tight ripped up short jean shorts that I only noticed after my eyes traced her lovely pale, smooth, slender legs all the way up. Beneath her tattered green jacket, she had on a white tank top that tightly fit around her nicely sized breasts...which due to the tightness I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra.

She exhaled as we made eye contact, a little bit of drool running down the side of her cute mouth, though I couldn't quite tell why. I tilted my head in curiosity, this girl was very cute! There was something odd about her though, I couldn't quite tell what though. She had an incredibly powerful and ferocious scent about her, like something within just begging to he awakened.

Hakai Akuma (Chainsaw Man x Male Reader)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu