I see she and Jungkook have a close relationship.

I went to the living room looking for Jungkook.

Just when I was gonna call out his name, I saw him there sitting in the arm of an armchair wearing a white pullover. His hands were covered in red wounds and cuts, the first aid kit was opened, he was trying to heal his wounds. Seeing him like that somehow hurts. I don't know why.

-"Let me help you"

I whispered a bit afraid of what his sudden reaction could be.

-"It's ok, I can do it myself"

He is as obstinate as a mule.

-"Don't be rude with your self, you will last an eternity there, let me help you"

I spoke softly so he wouldn't geg mad at me. I was gonna take the cloth he was holding but his ruthless reaction made freak out.

-"Get on your own business, nobody ask for your help! Sneak out of my sight"

My patience was crinckled under the incentive words of his mood, but I didn't move an inch. I know he hates me, but I can't see him suffer like that.

-"Are you deaf? Leave me alone"

My eyes trailed again to his back, the white pullover was now tinted with red, I know his back is bleeding since yesterday.

-"I am not going anywhere"

I murmured sure of my words.

-"What?!! Get out of here"

He stood up, for a moment I thought he was gonna kill me, but I am stronger than he thinks.

-"Take off your shirt"

I murmured again but this time with my eyes closed, I don't want him to see my teary eyes.

-"Are you insane?"

I couldn't hold the words in the tip of my tongue anymore, nor could my eyes hold the tear that was threatening to come out.

-"Yes!!! I am out of my mind!! I am not going anywhere before I make sure you are healed, so you better come down, sit there and shut your f*cking mouth if you don't want your friend to wake up because of my screaming!!"

I felt a tear roll down my cheeks and surprisingly his features eased when I finished talking.

He sat down as an obedient doggie. I took a bottle of water to clean the wounds and then applied some cream on them.

I then bandaged his arms. I lifted his pullover to do the same in the wound in his ribs.

I felt his predominant eyes on me. It makes me feel nervous.

-"I am done with the front part... now t-take off your shirt"

I stuttered somewhat. It sounded confusing.

-"I can't"

Don't tell me he'll start an argument again.

-"Stop being stubborn, it's just for... "

I was blabbering but he stopped me.

-"It hurts whenever I have to take it off and put it on again, I need to do it carefully so.. "

D-does he want me to help me take it off!!!???

-"I-I... "

-"You have to help me"

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