Chapter 8: Dragon In the Castle! ( Halloween special ) ( Part 1 )

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Malinda had secretly dreaded this day, Halloween. Even though Merula and Ismelda noticed that Malinda had become more nervous and uneasy as it came to Halloween day, they didn't bother to ask as they were unsure if Malinda would give them a solid answer. When it was time for the Halloween feast, Malinda was nowhere to be seen in the Great Hall. Merula was sitting with Ismelda and Barnaby, and she noticed that Malinda wasn't anywhere in the Great Hall.

Merula: ( to Ismelda and Barnaby: ) Have you two seen Malinda today?

Ismelda: Nope.

Barnaby: I think I saw her walking towards the dungeons.

Merula: ( to Barnaby: ) Then go get her.

Barnaby: Sure. It can't be that hard to find Malinda.

( In the Dungeons )

Barnaby went into the dungeons to look for Malinda, thinking she could be in Slytherin's common room, but only to find that a massive red dragon with orange markings in the hall, laying on the ground on its stomach as the room was too small for it.

Barnaby went into the dungeons to look for Malinda, thinking she could be in Slytherin's common room, but only to find that a massive red dragon with orange markings in the hall, laying on the ground on its stomach as the room was too small for it

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( A/n: Feel free to comment on what you think as to how the dragon got into the dungeons. )

The dragoness turned to Barnaby with her bright green eyes and slitted pupils, Barnaby stood there in complete shock and awe.

Barnaby: ( to the dragon, in pure awe: ) Well, aren't you a beaut-

Dragoness: ( roars at Barnaby as her body began to heat up, making burn marks on the floor beneath her and the ceiling above her )

Barnaby ran out of the dungeons as the dragoness fired at blast of fire towards him. He quickly closed the doors to the dungeons before the blast could hit him.

Barnaby: Okay, they're a cranky one. They must be stuck, I need to get the teachers so they could get the poor thing out of there before they hurt themselves.-

Suddenly the dungeon doors ripped out of their hinges and Barnaby backed away as the dragoness began trying to squeeze through the doorframe to try to get out of the dungeons.

( Slight Time Skip, In the Great Hall in the middle of the feast )

Merula and Ismelda were still waiting at the Slytherin table for Barnaby to come back to the Great Hall

Merula: What is taking that numbskull so long with finding Burns-

Barnaby then opened the doors to the Great Hall and ran inside with a panicked look on his face as he was now covered in ash and there was a tiny flame on the tip of his hair.

Flame of a Dragon ( An Hogwarts Mystery Au fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now