Chapter 3: First Day at Hogwarts ( Part 2 )

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Merula and Malinda walked into Potions together, which caused some of the other students to whisper to each other about the two. They then sat down beside Rowan, making the Ravenclaw nervous as Malinda was sitting between her and Merula.

Professor Snape: ( to the class: ) This is your very first Potions Class, and based on the bewildered look in your eyes, this could very well be your last. Unlike your other classes, this is not a place for foolish wand-waving, and intolerable screeching of mispronounced incantations. You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. Ensnare the senses. Bewitched the mind. Keep your mouths shut. Today you will produce a simple Cure for Boils potion. Know that I expect perfection. And know that there will be severe consequences for failing to meet my expectations. Let us begin.

The class had begun taking notes and learning the instructions for the potion, and Malinda noticed that Merula had done something to Rowan's cauldron when Rowan wasn't looking, but Malinda didn't think much of it until...

Merula: ( whispers to Malinda, with a mischievous smile: ) Get ready to duck in a few minutes.

Malinda looked at Merula with a confused expression as Rowan went back to making her potion. Malinda then noticed that something was happening to Rowan's potion when the Ravenclaw finished it then the cauldron exploded, scaring Malinda and making the tall Slytherin believe that Rowan accidentally put Bulbadox powder in the potion.

Merula: ( to Rowan: ) Congratulations, you have cured the table of boil.

Professor Snape: ( to Rowan: ) Miss Khanna, you know that I don't tolerate recklessness in my class, I expected Miss Burns to have done something like this given the reputation her brother gave Ravenclaw. Ten points from Ravenclaw! What do you have to say for yourself?

Rowan: I think Merula Snyde did something to my cauldron.

Professor Snape: Take responsibility for your incompetence, Khanna.

Rowan: But-

Merula: I've done no such sabotage, Professor. I was busy with keeping an eye on Malinda Burns.

Professor Snape: Is this true, Miss Burns?

Malinda: ( nervously: ) Uh, I guess...

Professor Snape: ( To Merula: ) Your family has represented Slytherin well, Miss Snyde, and maybe if Burns follows your example, she will represent Slytherin just as well. ( to Rowan: ) I will be watching you closely to ensure you do the same.

Professor Snape then walked away from the three girls. Malinda gave Rowan a apologetic look, while Merula...

Merula: ( to Rowan: ) It's only going to get worse, Khanna. You should have known that coating your cauldron with Bulbadox powder would make your potion explode. I certainly did. Now there's no doubt I'm the most important first-year.

Professor Snape: ( To the class: ) Dismissed. I've had enough of all of you for one day.

Malinda left the classroom with the rest of the students. Malinda was walking beside Merula, who was enjoying how the other first-years they've walked past became scared at the sight of Malinda, who was used to it but she was curious by the fact that Merula wasn't scared of her like everyone else.

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