Chapter 2: First Day at Hogwarts ( Part 1 )

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As soon as Malinda walked into the Charms, the whole class went silent when they saw her come into the classroom. Malinda just kept her head down and sat down in an empty seat beside a first year Ravenclaw girl.

 Malinda just kept her head down and sat down in an empty seat beside a first year Ravenclaw girl

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( A/n: I don't own the image, and let's be honest... Rowan would've been put into Ravenclaw if it weren't for MC's existence. )

Malinda noticed that the girl beside her was staring at her and she saw the fear in the girl's eyes when she sat down next to the girl. Rowan couldn't help but be intimidated by the Burns girl's height, claw-like fingernails, and sharp canines.

Malinda: ( to Rowan, quietly and softly, trying to calm Rowan's fear: ) Are you alright?

Rowan doesn't say anything in response, she turned to the book in her hands and pretended like she wasn't staring at Malinda. Malinda silently sighs in defeat in response before she turned her attention to Professor Flitwick as class has began and he began to speak.

Professor Flitwick: Welcome to your very first Charms Class at Hogwarts. I will be your instructor, Professor Flitwick. Please pay attention to the instructions, and take great care practicing the spells you learn. Today we will be learning a very important spell known as the Wand-Lighting Charm. This charm is useful in dark places, whether you are searching a shadowy room for hidden dangers... Or trying to find a scroll that rolled under the sofa. Lumos!

Flitwick casted the charm in demonstration, making a ball of light appear from his wand.

Professor Flitwick: Now you try it. Remember... " Lumos! "

Malinda glanced around and saw that the students around her had their wands out and had already started to cast the charm.

Rowan: Lumos! ( a ball of light appears from her wand )

Malinda then pulled out her wand, Rowan quickly noticed that Malinda's wand was made out of a lighter color of wood than her's.

Malinda then pulled out her wand, Rowan quickly noticed that Malinda's wand was made out of a lighter color of wood than her's

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( A/n: This is what Malinda's wand looks like. What do ya think? )

Malinda: Lumos!

A ball of light appears from Malinda's wand, Malinda looked at it with a hint of wonder in her eyes, the light didn't hurt her eyes that much because her charm was smaller and not as bright as everyone else's.

Professor Flitwick: ( to Malinda: ) Well done, Miss Burns. Though you might still need some practice.

Malinda just nods her head in response before putting away her wand.

After Charms Class was over, Malinda waited until half of the students had left the classroom before she began walking to her next class, Potions. When she got to the dungeons, she saw the Ravenclaw girl she sat next to in Charms with a Slytherin first year witch with purple eyes and messy hair, who Malinda vaguely remembers to be named " Merula Snyde. Malinda walked to them with her shoulders slouched as to make herself less intimidating to her two fellow first years.

Merula: ( to Rowan: ) Admit it!

Rowan: I can't!

Merula: Say I'm the most powerful witch at Hogwarts!

Rowan: It's logically impossible! I've made numerous lists of the most powerful witches at Hogwarts based on multiple factors. You're less powerful than Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout, Madam Hooch, Madam Pomfry, every single seventh year... you're just a first year like me!

Merula: I'm nothing like you!

Rowan was about to say something, but she completely froze up when she saw Malinda stand beside her, despite Malinda giving Rowan a soft, kind smile, Rowan was still intimidated by the Burns girl's height and her other two unique features. Merula quickly noticed this, and she quickly noticed how Rowan froze up at the moment the Ravenclaw saw the tall slytherin girl.

Malinda: ( to Rowan and Merula, with a soft kind smile: ) Is everything alright here?

Merula: ( to Malinda: ) And who are you?

Malinda: ( To Merula, politely, and bowed her head: ) Malinda, Malinda Burns, Miss.

Merula: Oh, now I know who you are. Your brother lost his mind, disgraced his house, got expelled from school, and was never heard from again. I overheard the professors whispering about you at the feast. I supposed you think you're better than me.

There was a small moment of silence, Rowan stared at the tall Slytherin with fear in her eyes as Malinda didn't say anything until...

Malinda: ( with a kind smile, to Merula: ) Of course not, Miss Snyde. A weak witch such as myself couldn't even dare to disrespect you by thinking that I was superior to you...

Merula was stunned by Malinda's kind response, and Rowan took it as her chance to escape and she did.

Malinda: I'm sorry for not recognizing you sooner, I didn't mean to upset you.

Merula glanced at Malinda up and down, and she noticed that despite Malinda's intimidating appearance by her height, nails, and sharp canines, Merula saw that Malinda lacked the confidence in herself based on how Malinda was slouching as an attempt to make herself less intimidating, which gave Merula an idea.

Merula: At least you recognize that I'm more powerful than you, Burns. And because of that, I decided to take pity on you and I suppose that a powerful witch such as myself should make sure you don't ruin Slytherin's reputation by having you stay by my side. Now, let's get to class before we're late, Burns.

Malinda looked at Merula with slight shock and confusion, she then started following Merula to class with a slight smile.

Malinda: ( thoughts: ) I think I might've accidentally made a friend... I think?


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what you think Merula and Malinda's " friendship " might lead to.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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