He turned around and watched as the ominous silhouette in the sky descended through the air, cackling like a madwoman. As it descended the light shone from a different angle, lighting up the silhouette and revealing it to be a giant red blimp with a face on the front

 As it descended the light shone from a different angle, lighting up the silhouette and revealing it to be a giant red blimp with a face on the front

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"Looks like Mr pilot's hunk-o-junk failed him again!" she taunted

"You tampered with my plane Hilda Berg and I know it!" Great-Uncle flask yelled back, "in a fair match my plane would leave your head full of hot gas in the figurative dust!"

Cuphead leaned over to his grandad and asked out the corner of his mouth ,"who's that balloon lady?"

"That's Hilda Berg, Unkle Flask's arch enemy,'' Kettle whispered in reply.

Once she neared the ground, she transformed herself into a normal looking person and landed gracefully on the ground right in front of the small crowd.

(looks kinda like this just not on a cloud)

(looks kinda like this just not on a cloud)

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"Looks like blimps win again." she gloated.

"I bet that you could be beaten by children flying planes but you just keep messing with me!" Flask yelled.

"Ok then," Hilda replied, unfazed by the accusations ,"let me see if that smart remark was just bluff. Let's see if i can be beaten by children, those gross looking ones with the huge hands should do."

"OI!'' Cuphead yelled but Elder Kettle held him back, stopping him from doing something rash.

"Tomorrow," Hilda said ,"at high noon, the most dramatic time of day, meet me at the inkwell race track. We'll race to see who can circle the island fastest. No rematches. Winner gets eternal bragging rights and validation. Deal?"

Hilda berg held out her hand for Flask to shake and agree to the contest

"Deal!" Unkle flask replied, "but no foul play!"

They shook hands and Hilda stepped back.

"I'll se you there," she said

She then jumped high into the air and transformed back into her blimp form, she then flew away cackling and laughing.

The Cuphead Show! Season 4Where stories live. Discover now