X Marks the Spot

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Cuphead and Mugman were walking down inkwell docs. Cuphead was gnawing on a lollipop and Mugman was holding up a piece of paper covered in writing, trying to read the message while the sheet flapped erratically in the wind.

"What are we doing again?" Cuphead asked

"We're going to find Captain Brineybeard," Mugman explained ,"he sent us a letter saying to meet him at the inkwell docs at 9AM."

"What for?" Cupehad asked

"Dunno," MUgman replied ,"but I'm always ready to help out a fellow pirate."

The two soon arrived where the pirate's red boat was moored.

"BRINEY!" they yelled, "WHERE ARE YOU!"

Suddenly, the bulbous form of the pirate shot out of the water, did a few flips and landed in front of the cups with a loud thud.

"Avast!" he shouted ,"my loyal crew hath returned."

"Hello," Mugman said ,"I got your letter."

"Wonderful," Briney said ,"now that my shipmates have arrived, it is time we embark of a journey of wonder and adventure!"

"ooooOOOOOOooo," Cuphead said, intrigued.

"This adventure wouldn't happen to involve much danger, would it." Mugman asked meekly.

"Of course it will!" Brineybeard yelled ,"we will traverse storms and dangerous seas to seek this!"

Brineybeard held up a classic looking treasure map, with a dotted red line and a huge red X.

"The sunken treasure," Brineybeard said ,"it was lost years ago, but it is said that it contains such mystical objects that can grant great power."

"Wow!" Cuphead exclaimed with aw ,"so when do we leave."


Brineybeard picked up both cups by the head and chucked them up to the deck of the ship. The two brothers were slowly getting to their feet when The captain then took one big leap and somersaulted onto the deck, knocking them to the floor again with the force of his landing.

"On your feet shipmates!" Captain Brineybeard ordered ,"we must ready this ship for sailing."

The cups looked at eachother.

"How the heck do we ready the ship for sailing?" Cupehad asked

"Dunno," Mugman said, "I guess we just do what we did last time."

Cuphead pulled two cutlasses from behind his back.

"I was hoping that you would say that," he said, tossing a sword to his brother.

The two ran about slashing at each other and laughing. Brineybeard watched, impressed, as the two brothers ran about with the swords, perfectly raising the sail and setting the boat off to sea.

"Your methods are uncouth, yet effective," Brineybeard admitted.

"I call map duty." Mugman yelled, jumping up and plucking the treasure map from Brineybeard's arms.

"I call lookout." Cuphead yelled, climbing up the rigging.

"No!" Mugman yelled pulling him down ,"the map reader has to be on lookout, so he can see what's going on."

"NO!" CUphead shouted, twisted out of Mugman's grip and started to shimmy up the mast pole.

"Now now Cuphead." Brineybeard said, picking him up by the hand and dropping him back to the floor, "there are plenty of other exciting jobs to do on the ship."

The Cuphead Show! Season 4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang