One Hell of a Time (FINALE)

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(as the title is shown the first few bars of "the King's Court" plays)

The three cups happily walked down a street in inkwell city.

"Oh boy that was a BLAST!" Cuphead exclaimed

"Disturbing the peace sure is fun," Chalice said, "high five for being public enemies!"

"Woo," the cups said as they high fived

Suddenly they heard some lively jazz music, and it was getting louder.

"Nice music," Mugman said, "let's go see where it's coming from."

The trio rounded a corner and saw a small jazz band playing on the street and surrounding them were a bunch of inkwell citizens enjoying the music and throwing money into a hat that the performers had left on the floor for tips.

"Music, people with money. Oh brother, this'll be too easy!" Chalice said, "ok boys, it's time to get rich!"

And with that Chalice tap danced towards the crowd and everyones head turned.

🎶when your feeling down and out🎶

🎶don't waste your time sulking about🎶

🎶slap on a smile, have no doubt🎶

🎶and sing a cross a rainbow🎶

The crowd began to clap and throw their money at Chalice who continued to sing and tap dance.

🎶when the world is saying no🎶

🎶don't waste your time, feeling low🎶

🎶click your heal go go g.. !!OW!!

One of the people in the crowd who looked like a pirate had rummaged around in his pocket and pulled out a massive gold doubloon. He'd thrown the huge coin at Chalice, intending it just to be more money but the massive hunk of metal hit Chalice right in the eye.

"Ow ow ow ow ," Chalice said as she staggered backwards, and onto the road.

Suddenly a streetcar rocketed out of nowhere and smashed Chalice to pieces.

"CHALICE!" Cuphead yelled, running onto the road.

Mugman followed suit, checking if any more cars were coming first and then following his brother.

"CHALICE! No no no WAKE UP! CHALICE!" Cuphead cried, tears brimming in his eyes.

"CUPHEAD!" Mugman shouted, "TRY CPR!"

Mugman was frantically trying to gain control of the situation. He had laid out traffic cones to stop more cars from coming and was putting together a make-shift stretcher.

Cuphead started doing some hands-only CPR but because Chalice had been utterly smashed, it achieved nothing.

"MUGMAN!" Cuphead yelled desperately, "IT'S NOT WORKING!!"

"Try mouth to mouth!" MUgman suggested.

"MOUTH TO MOUTH!" Cuphead said, looking down at the shattered remains of Chalice's head, "WHAT MOUTH, I SEE NO MOUTH! NO MOUTH!"

"No matter," Mugman said, running up to Cuphead's side with the stretcher, "load Chalice onto this, we're taking her to that hospital!"

And with that, the two brothers loaded what was left of Chalice onto the stretcher and ran to the nearest hospital.


"Boss! Boss," Henchman yelled, bursting into the devil's throne room.

"Oh what is it?!" the devil snapped

The Cuphead Show! Season 4Where stories live. Discover now