Me Time

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(as the title is shows, the beginning of"King of Games' Castle (rococo)" plays)

Mugman walked over to his book shelf. He dragged his finger along each book until he reached the one that he was looking for. It was a thick leather bound book with metallic writing which spelled out the title "the endeavours of Sir Mugsalot".

Mugman picked up the book and sat down on an armchair. He opened the book to the folded page and...

"Hey Mugsy!" Cuphead yelled, bursting through the door, "I found this real cool thing in the woods, let's go check it out!"

"Not now Cuphead," Mugman said, "I'm reading my book."

"Uuhhg, Ya'know, next time you do this you could warn me in advance. I have plans to ya'know."

"First of all :no you don't and second of all: i've warned you way in advance.

*~one month ago~*

Cuphead and Mugman were walking through town.

"Oh," Mugman said, "by the way, ill be spending some time to read a book in one month from now."

"Sure, whatever," Cuphead replied

*~one week ago~*

Cuphead and Mugman were hiding underneath their bed, scoffing down cookies while Elder Kettle patrolled the house looking for them.

The two boys watched as Elder Kettle marched past their room as a marching band snare plays and then resumed stuffing their faces once he had left.

"Oh by the way Cuphead," Mugman said "I'm gonna spend a day reading my book a week from now."

"Ehh, sure," Cuphead replied.


Cuphead, Mugman and Chalice were all sitting in a Cinema watching a movie. Cuphead was munching away on popcorn while Chalice and Mugman were both eating it with more restraint.

Mugman leant over to Cuphead and whispered in his ear, "I'm going to read my book tomorrow."

Cuphead just shushed him and proceeded to finish his popcorn and move on to eating Mugman's.


"You're just making that up," Cuphead said,"now let's go check out that thing!"

"Not now Cuphead," Mugman said

"Ok fine," Cuphead relented, "but next time you go to hell, you should speak to Stickler, you'll give him a run for his money."

And with that, CUphead walked back outside and slammed the door.


After he was sure that Cuphead had left Mugman sank back into his chair and started reading his book.

(ok, so throughout this chapter it will be flicking in and out of the book world. Like in "I Scream Man" . any words in italics will be Mugman narrating it and if i put the book emoji, then that means that we are either endearing or leaving the book world. Also in book world "King of Games' Castle (rococo)" plays)


From over the great hills, rode brave Sir Mugsalot.

A silhouette of a knight riding a horse appeared over a hill and and The figures slowly rode closer their colours became more visible. Once Sir Mugsalot was close up, he took off his helmet to reveal a Mugman-esc head but with a moustache, a defined chin and long hair.

Sir Mugsalot had caught wind that there was a beautiful princes trapped in a tower. Princes Bowlboy.

The camera flips over to a nearby tower where Princes Bowlboy was leaning out the window. Princes Bowlboy just looked like bowlboy but with long golden hair, lipstick and a pink cone shaped hat on.

The Cuphead Show! Season 4Where stories live. Discover now